Yearbook of Batch’24 (Project)

The yearbook is a memorable souvenir that the seniors take with them after graduating from school, it consists of memories from jr. kg up until the last year of school, with photos of trips and night outs and memories of friends and classes, this book is something which we seniors cherish forever. I got to be a part of designing and creating this book. There is a lot that goes on to make this book, collecting all the data, editing it, finalizing it, collecting photos, and designing the whole theme, it should also differ fro previous yearbooks.

LO3 – Initiate and plan a CAS experience

I got to be the head of designing the yearbook, I had the opportunity to give my ideas and execute it accordingly, the whole experience was based on this, all the heads of committees pitched in ideas and we all worked together to execute it.

LO4 – Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience

Being in the yearbook committee is a long-term commitment, it took us weeks if not months just to collect data from students, with editing it, and finalizing the design, it is a long-term process, I learned to stick to one thing and go through with the same plan without any changes to avoid any chaos.

LO5 – Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively

We as a team worked upon creating the yearbook, the benefits were that we each came up with unique themes and ideas that were different from previous yearbooks, this showed the varieties of knowledge we were dealing with, it helped me learn that everyone’s thoughts are their own and unique in a way.

LO7 – Recognise and consider the ethics of choices and actions

Yearbook being a very crucial part for the students of each batch, the choices and actions that we as a kid made for the past 14 years, all being put into just one book, having to make tough choices and considering which memory seems more important than the rest was a task, in the end it taught me that no memory is less important than the other rather than that, it is a matter of how we see it and how we implement it.

With the process ongoing it is a very fun yet stressful project, with the pressure of the need to be perfect yearbook, I learned a lot through the way, a few things I learned were leadership qualities and how to manage a team while managing yourself and the project as well.

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