Awareness Drive (CAS Project)

As part of our CAS project, we embarked on a journey to educate Grade 7 students with essential financial literacy skills. Recognizing the importance of financial education from a young age, we organized an awareness drive aimed at equipping students with the knowledge and skills necessary to make informed financial decisions. Creativity: Activity: Service: Learning […]

ATV Riding

We went on a trip to Lonavala in June with all our friends and on the 6th day we went on an ATV (All-Terrain Vehicle) ride, which was quite exciting as it was our first time. This activity allows us to search and target you. While providing opportunities for personal development, it also improves the body. LO1 Identify your strengths and develop areas for growth.We must attend pretrip safety training to learn how to use an ATV safely and take the necessary  precautions. From here we can see our skills, especially our ability to listen carefully and follow  instructions. When we started riding ATV, the roads are not good and ATVs are known for rough roads, we all encountered problem while driving ATV in the mountain, one of our friends was about to get injured. Security advises you not to let go of your legs while riding the ATV, but one of our friends did this and fell off the ATV, but luckily he was not injured.LO4 Demonstrate patience and commitment throughout the CAS experience.As CAS Experience, we work with passion and dedication, riding an ATV requires physical dedication and courage. Sometimes we encounter problems that test our resolve. We had to struggle through mud, sharp turns and climbs, but we did it. Although this experience has taught us the importance of commitment and the value of advance planningLO5 Demonstrate the skills and benefits of collaborative working.ATV tours provide great opportunities for collaboration and teamwork. We talk to each other and provide support and guidance on our challenging journey. I led the group in turns, allowing everyone to participate and choose. Collaboration is essential to the success and safety of all our journeys. By working together, we learn the benefits of teamwork. We find that by combining different skills we can face more challenges. We’ve found that working together not only enhances the overall experience, but also creates a deep bond between partners and creates a sense of unity. LO7 – Recognise and consider the ethics of choices and actions. It sounds like you’ve gained a profound understanding of the importance of learning and proper training, especially in a position where execution is critical. Indeed, without the necessary knowledge and guidance, achieving success can be challenging, if not impossible. The […]

CAS Experience 10 –  University Fair volunteer

Fountainhead School routinely holds University Fairs for its high school students, at which officials from various universities (both in and out of India) come to the school to address student queries. This allows students to interact with these universities and learn about their admission standards, allowing them to better manage their time and incorporate activities […]