Garba fest(Stall)

Starting my coco stall at the Garba Festival was a big step. It wasn’t just about making and selling coco, but also about learning new things and working with others. I focused on two main lessons: figuring out what I’m good at and where I need to improve, and learning how important it is to work with others.

LO1: Identify Your Own Strengths and Develop Areas for Growth

Taking on the coco stall project at the Garba Festival was a journey of self-discovery for me. The process of experimenting with different ingredients and coming up with delicious treats was exhilarating and played to my creative strengths. However, this experience also highlighted areas where I needed improvement. Organizational skills, particularly in planning the logistics of the stall and managing inventory, were challenges. Balancing creativity with practical execution was a learning curve. This project was a valuable opportunity for me to harness my strengths in creativity and innovation, while also identifying and working on my weaker areas, particularly in organization and planning.

LO2: Demonstrate That Challenges Have Been Undertaken, Developing New Skills in the Process

Running my coco stall at the Garba Festival was a big challenge, but I learned a lot from it. Setting up the stall and getting everything ready for the festival taught me how to plan and organize things better. I also got better at talking to customers and dealing with busy times at the stall. This whole experience was really about taking on a challenge and learning new things from it.

LO5: Demonstrate the Skills and Recognize the Benefits of Working Collaboratively

Another significant aspect of my experience was learning the importance of teamwork. Initially, I tried to manage everything on my own, but I quickly realized the value of collaboration, especially during peak times at the festival. Seeking help from friends and family not only eased the workload but also brought different perspectives and ideas to the table, enhancing the overall operation of the stall. This collaborative effort was instrumental in the success of the stall. It taught me that while individual creativity is important, the power of a team working together harmoniously can elevate an experience to a whole new level. The interactions, shared responsibilities, and collective problem-solving were not just necessary for the stall’s success but were also deeply enriching on a personal level.

To wrap it up, my coco stall at the festival wasn’t just about selling drinks; it was a real learning experience. I learned a lot about myself, like what I do well and what I can get better at. I also saw how great it is to work as part of a team. This whole thing taught me more than I expected, showing me that you can learn a lot from real-life experiences, not just in school.

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