Hindi Diwas

The Challenge: Hindi, a widely spoken language in India, is facing pressure from English. To address this, our school organized a Hindi event. On November 18th, we set up stalls and planned activities related to the language, including engaging games.

Planning and Teamwork (LO3 & LO4): This experience demanded significant planning. We needed to design engaging games that could be completed within two minutes. We also had to manage logistics and divide roles effectively.

Perseverance and Collaboration (LO5): This CAS experience tested our perseverance and commitment. We designed the games ourselves, facing challenges like keeping them short due to the numerous participants and limited stalls. The collaboration proved essential. We formed a group, with each member creating and managing one game. This allowed us to operate 3-4 games simultaneously, maximizing participation.

Preserving Hindi (LO6): Recognizing the decline of Hindi usage, we aimed to create fun games that would help keep the language relevant and cherished in daily life.

A Rewarding Experience: Witnessing everyone enjoying the event and having fun making the games with friends made this experience truly rewarding, beyond the mere creation of the games themselves.

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