Awareness Drive (CAS Project)

As part of our CAS project, we embarked on a journey to educate Grade 7 students with essential financial literacy skills. Recognizing the importance of financial education from a young age, we organized an awareness drive aimed at equipping students with the knowledge and skills necessary to make informed financial decisions.


  • Engaging Activities: We infused creativity into our sessions by designing interactive activities and games that encouraged students to think creatively about financial concepts. For example, the needs vs. wants activity required students to creatively categorize various items based on their necessity or desirability.
  • Innovative Approach: We utilized innovative methods such as Kahoot quizzes and interactive PowerPoint presentations to deliver the content in a creative and engaging manner, ensuring that students remained attentive and enthusiastic throughout the sessions.


  • Hands-On Learning: Our project promoted activity by providing students with hands-on learning experiences. Through interactive workshops and games, students actively participated in budgeting exercises, decision-making simulations, and discussions, fostering a deeper understanding of financial concepts.


  • Community Engagement: Our project served the community by providing Grade 7 students with valuable financial literacy education. By equipping them with essential skills for managing their finances responsibly, we contributed to their personal development and empowered them to make informed financial decisions in the future.
  • Impactful Outreach: Through our service-oriented approach, we aimed to make a positive impact on the community by addressing a significant need for financial education among young students. By sharing our knowledge and expertise, we sought to promote financial literacy and empower students to take control of their financial futures.

Learning Outcomes (LOs):

  1. LO 3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience:
    • We demonstrated our ability to initiate and plan a CAS experience by organizing and coordinating the financial literacy awareness drive from start to finish. This involved planning the content, scheduling sessions, coordinating resources, and ensuring the smooth execution of the project.
  2. LO 4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences:
    • We exhibited commitment and perseverance throughout the project by dedicating our time and effort to deliver high-quality sessions that would benefit Grade 7 students. Despite facing challenges, we remained committed to our goal of promoting financial literacy and persevered to overcome obstacles along the way.
  3. LO 5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively:
    • We demonstrated collaboration by working as a team to develop and deliver the awareness drive. Each team member contributed their unique skills and perspectives, fostering a collaborative environment where ideas were shared, and responsibilities were distributed effectively.
  4. LO 6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance:
    • Our project engaged with the issue of financial literacy, which is of global significance. By addressing this issue at a grassroots level within our school community, we contributed to the broader global effort to promote financial education and empower individuals to make informed financial decisions.
  5. LO 7: Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions:
    • Throughout the awareness drive, we emphasized the importance of ethical decision-making in financial matters. We encouraged students to consider the ethical implications of their financial choices and actions, fostering a sense of responsibility and integrity in their approach to managing money.

Through this project, we showed the learner profile attributes of being a thinker, knowledgeable, communicator and caring. The project helped us educate children on topics that are a necessity to know in the outside world. It was a great opportunity to give back to our school community.


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