Community Service 2022

Every year, Fountainhead School students have the chance to instruct underprivileged youngsters in a particular sport or talent as part of a community service program. Computers, arts and crafts, and football and frisbee are among the alternatives available to us. Since I play football and am passionate about it, I decided to educate the kids. […]

Beach cleaning(world coastal clean up day)

In this CAS experience I will be participating in a event from organized by the SMC of surat as the world coastal clean up day where large number of students from school will be engaging in cleaning the beach together. In this experience my learning outcome was: LO 5:”demonstrate the skill and recognize the benefits […]

global odyssey 3.0

This was an activity related to the subject of business management and economics. Where the students had to reflect on the learnt concepts and apply them in real life. The main concepts, the event focused on were Globalisation, Innovation, Price discrimination, and Ethics. This was an event, where students sold different services and products, and […]