Community Service 2022

Every year, Fountainhead School students have the chance to instruct underprivileged youngsters in a particular sport or talent as part of a community service program. Computers, arts and crafts, and football and frisbee are among the alternatives available to us. Since I play football and am passionate about it, I decided to educate the kids. […]

Mount Abu Trip (Activity)

Setting out on the Mount Abu trek had been a long-anticipated adventure for my friends and me. We ventured deep into the wilderness, pushing ourselves through exhilarating activities like rock climbing and rappelling. This expedition served as a rigorous test, challenging not only our physical endurance but also our mental resilience. It provided us with […]

FS Got Talent (creativity)

Fountainhead School hosted an event that was about all the students coming together and presenting their talents. I recited poetry written by me for the audience. Taking part in a competition marked a significant step forward for me, serving as a bridge to confront my challenges and weaknesses head-on. Specifically, I chose to compete in […]

Kalakriti interschool school drama competition

Participation in inter-school Kalkriti drama competition.  I have always wanted to perform on stage. My school gave me this amazing opportunity to choose theater as an AS activity. During my time while I was exploring theaters, I learned amazing techniques about drama. Also the theater was a break for me from my daily life. It […]