FS Got Talent (creativity)

Fountainhead School hosted an event that was about all the students coming together and presenting their talents. I recited poetry written by me for the audience. Taking part in a competition marked a significant step forward for me, serving as a bridge to confront my challenges and weaknesses head-on. Specifically, I chose to compete in the literature category, an area where I have always felt strong and where I enjoy pushing my boundaries with fresh opportunities. My goal was to embrace risk and showcase my talents in front of an audience. Rather than being preoccupied with the outcome, my primary concern was to authentically represent myself, standing my ground without hesitating at the final moment.

Learning outcomes:

LO 2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.

Choosing to recite a self-written poem in the literature category marked a significant personal challenge. By stepping onto the stage and sharing my literary talents with an audience, I was not only confronting my own vulnerabilities but also actively developing new skills. This experience required me to refine my public speaking abilities, boost my confidence, and strengthen my performance skills. It exemplified how engaging in challenges, such as participating in a talent competition, can lead to personal growth and the acquisition of valuable skills, aligning with the learning outcome’s emphasis on skill development through facing challenges.

LO 4: Show perseverance and commitment to the CAS experience.

In this instance, I demonstrated perseverance and commitment by choosing to recite a poem I had written in the literature category of the competition. Despite facing personal challenges and weaknesses, I took a significant step forward in showcasing my talents and pushing my boundaries. My commitment to this endeavor was evident as I focused on representing myself authentically and refused to hesitate at the critical moment of performance. This experience illustrates my determination to overcome obstacles and persist in my pursuit of personal growth and self-expression, highlighting my dedication to the CAS program’s core principles.

The poem that I had presented in the day was:

SDG: gender equality

This poem encapsulates the multidimensional struggles women endure, aligning with the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) of Gender Equality (SDG 5). It vividly portrays societal pressures, mental health challenges, and physical tolls imposed on women to conform to beauty standards. Additionally, it highlights issues related to menstrual health, gender stereotypes, safety concerns in public spaces, and reproductive rights. Each facet of the poem emphasizes the urgent need to combat gender-based discrimination and promote equal opportunities, core objectives of SDG 5. It serves as a powerful reminder of the complexities women face daily and the imperative to work towards a more equitable world for all genders.

Learner Profiles:

Risk taker: I wouldn’t say I’ve stage fear but I don’t take criticism very well. I was scared that the audience wouldn’t like my poetry as it was very vocal but the message that I wanted to get across to the audience was important so I faced my fears and recited the poetry.

 Communicator: I learned to express my ideas through this poetry.

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