Trekking Mount Abu – Activity

Embarking on the Mount Abu trek was something my friends and I had long anticipated. We delved deep into the wilderness, testing ourselves with thrilling activities like rock climbing and rappelling. This journey not only tested our physical stamina but also our mental fortitude. It was an avenue to harness survival techniques and master challenging terrains. Moreover, it fostered deeper connections with our peers and educators as we shared stories and experiences. Immersed in nature, far from the hustle of urban life, was truly invigorating. This expedition refreshed our spirits and offered a renewed outlook upon our return to school. In essence, the Mount Abu trek was a memorable journey of bonding, self-discovery, and pushing our limits.

LO1 – Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

The demanding terrains and the wilderness exposed us to situations that honed our survival instincts and adaptability. Navigating the rugged landscapes, and overcoming physical and mental hurdles, we cultivated resilience. This experience highlighted our abilities as communicators, thinkers, and inquirers, especially during team-oriented tasks.

LO2- Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills

Our venture into rock climbing and rappelling was a testament to our adventurous spirit. This initiative to embrace the unknown, manage potential hazards, and push beyond comfort zones resonated with the learner profile of a risk-taker, showcasing courage in unfamiliar settings.

LO4 – Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience

Our dedication to the trek was unwavering. The challenges we faced demanded discipline, organization, and an unwavering focus. By pushing our capacities to the brink, we gained a heightened sense of accomplishment and self-belief. This journey encapsulated the learner profile of balance, nurturing our spiritual, mental, and physical facets.

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