Trekking Mount Abu – Activity

Embarking on the Mount Abu trek was something my friends and I had long anticipated. We delved deep into the wilderness, testing ourselves with thrilling activities like rock climbing and rappelling. This journey not only tested our physical stamina but also our mental fortitude. It was an avenue to harness survival techniques and master challenging […]

FARWELL – PROJECT( Head of Logistics)

The farewell celebration for our seniors was not just an event, but a journey of personal and collective growth. Spanning across a myriad of responsibilities from logistics to media management, and even dance, it was an avenue for understanding the depth of challenges and the spirit of teamwork. LO2- Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, […]


Keeping up with the most recent design ideas and tools is essential for anybody interested in user interface and user experience design in today’s fast-paced digital environment. As a result, I started the Udemy course “Motion Design with Figma: Animations, Motion Graphics, UX/UI.” In addition to improving my understanding of UI/UX, the course promised to […]


CULTURAL CAPSULE the club called “Cultural Capsule.” schedule drives. Recently, I volunteered for one of outreach programs aimed at raising awareness about Indian culture. During the event, we visited an orphanage and engaged the children in various games and activities related to Indian culture.    LO1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth  By […]


COMMUNITY SERVICE IN SCHOOL Recently, our school organized a community service for underprivileged children from nearby government schools. The aim was to provide them with an opportunity to learn something new, which would be facilitated by FS students.   I decided to volunteer for this community servieand help teach football to these underprivileged children. Football […]

Subroto National Football Tournament – Activity

Football has always held a special place in my heart. From my childhood, I’ve been deeply passionate with aspirations to achieve greatness in the sport. Fast forward to 2022, I led Gujarat in the Subroto National Football Tournament. The competition was intense, and victory seemed elusive. But our defeats became lessons, helping us to refine […]