As an athletic person who loves playing football, I have always been passionate about staying fit and healthy. However, I have often struggled with my endurance, which has been a weakness for me in the past. That’s why I decided to join a gym and work on improving my overall fitness.

In addition to wanting to improve my endurance, I also needed to focus on rehabilitating my ACL after surgery. Going to the gym for rehabilitation was a crucial part of my recovery process, and it has helped me get back to my active lifestyle much quicker.

At the gym, I have been focusing on a variety of exercises to build strength and improve my endurance. One of my favourite exercises has been running on the treadmill. I typically start with a warm-up jog for 10-15 minutes before increasing the speed and incline for a more challenging workout. I also enjoy using the elliptical machine, as it is low-impact and helps me improve my cardio without putting too much strain on my joints.

In addition to cardio, I have also been doing strength training exercises to build muscle and increase my overall fitness. I have been focusing on exercises such as squats, deadlifts, and bench press to target different muscle groups and improve my overall strength.

While going to the gym has been a challenging and sometimes frustrating experience, it has been incredibly rewarding. Not only have I seen improvements in my endurance and strength, but I have also noticed a significant improvement in my overall health and well-being.

LO1 – Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

By identifying my weakness, which was endurance, I was able to take action and improve upon it. I knew that I needed to work on my cardio and stamina if I wanted to become a better football player, and joining a gym was the first step in that process. In addition to improving my endurance, I also needed to work on rehabilitating my ACL after surgery. This required me to go to the gym and focus on specific exercises to help with my recovery.

At the gym, I have been focusing on a variety of exercises to build strength and improve my endurance. I have been identifying my strengths, which are my dedication and discipline, and using them to push myself harder and achieve better results. For instance, I have been consistent with my workouts, always showing up at the gym and putting in the effort needed to achieve my fitness goals.

However, I have also identified areas for growth, such as my nutrition and flexibility. I have been working on my diet, ensuring that I am eating healthy and balanced meals that fuel my body for my workouts. Additionally, I have been incorporating stretching and yoga into my routine to improve my flexibility, which is essential for preventing injuries and improving overall performance.

In conclusion, my gym training helped me identify my strengths and areas for growth. By focusing on my strengths and working on my weaknesses, I have been able to become a better athlete and a better person overall. we must always strive to identify and work on our strengths and weaknesses.

LO2- Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills.

Joining the gym was a significant challenge for me. It was a new experience that required me to step out of my comfort zone and push myself harder than ever before. However, I was determined to improve my endurance and become a better football player, so I was willing to take on this challenge.

Through my gym training, I have developed a variety of new skills that have helped me become a better athlete. For instance, I have learned the importance of proper form and technique when lifting weights, which has helped me prevent injuries and achieve better results. I have also learned how to structure my workouts effectively to achieve my fitness goals, such as focusing on different muscle groups and alternating between strength and cardio exercises.

In addition to these technical skills, I have also developed soft skills such as dedication, discipline, and perseverance. Going to the gym regularly requires a lot of dedication and discipline, especially when it comes to maintaining a healthy diet and sleep schedule. I have learned how to prioritize my health and fitness goals, which has helped me become more disciplined in other areas of my life as well.

Furthermore, my ACL surgery was a significant setback that required me to develop new skills for my rehabilitation. I had to learn how to do specific exercises and stretches to strengthen my knee and improve my mobility. It was challenging, but I was determined to get back to my active lifestyle, and I was willing to put in the effort needed to achieve that.

Through these challenges, I have learned that taking on new experiences and stepping out of our comfort zones is essential for personal growth. It allows us to develop new skills, both technical and soft, that can help us become better versions of ourselves. It also teaches us the value of perseverance and dedication, which are crucial for achieving our goals and overcoming setbacks.

LO3 – Initiate and plan a CAS experience.

I started by researching different gyms in my area and identifying the one that best suited my needs. I looked for a gym that had a variety of equipment, knowledgeable trainers, and a supportive community. Once I found the right gym, I set clear goals for myself, such as increasing my endurance, building muscle, and rehabilitating my ACL after surgery.

To achieve these goals, I developed a detailed workout plan with my trainer that included strength and cardio exercises, as well as stretches and rehabilitation exercises for my knee. I also set a schedule for myself, committing to going to the gym three to four times a week, rain or shine.

To make sure I was staying on track and making progress towards my goals, I kept a workout journal. This allowed me to track my progress, set new goals, and stay motivated. 

LO4 – Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience

Joining the gym was not an easy decision for me. It required a lot of perseverance and commitment. The rehabilitation process for my ACL was challenging and demanded a lot of patience and dedication. I had to push myself every day to stay on track and make progress towards my goals. There were days when I felt discouraged and wanted to give up, but I reminded myself of my commitment to my health and fitness.

I showed perseverance by sticking to my workout plan even when I didn’t feel like it. I had to be disciplined and consistent in my approach, which was not always easy. I learned that it takes time to see results and that progress is not always linear. There were times when I hit a plateau, and it felt like I was not making any progress. But I continued to persevere, and eventually, I saw the results that I wanted.

I also showed commitment by making my gym experience a priority. I had to juggle school, football practice, and other commitments, but I made sure to prioritize my gym sessions. I had to be mindful of my diet and sleep, which was not always easy. However, I remained committed to my goals and focused on the bigger picture.

Through my gym training experience, I learned that perseverance and commitment are crucial in achieving our goals. It also showed me that pushing ourselves out of our comfort zones can lead to growth and development.

LO5-Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively

Joining the gym was not an easy decision for me. I had never been to a gym before and had no prior experience with gym equipment. However, I knew that I needed help to achieve my goals, and that’s why I decided to work with a gym trainer. Collaborating with a trainer helped me to learn the correct techniques and avoid injury.

Working with a gym trainer was a valuable experience that taught me the benefits of collaboration. The trainer helped me to create a personalized workout plan that was tailored to my needs and goals. We worked together to identify my strengths and weaknesses and developed a plan that would help me to achieve my desired results.

The trainer also taught me the proper techniques for using gym equipment and helped me to improve my form. This collaboration helped me to improve my overall fitness, and I saw significant progress in my endurance and strength.

Another benefit of working collaboratively with a gym trainer was that it helped me to stay motivated. The trainer held me accountable and pushed me to work harder than I would have on my own. Working with someone who had experience and knowledge in the field of fitness was reassuring, and I felt confident in my ability to achieve my goals.

Collaborating with a gym trainer also taught me the value of teamwork. We worked together to identify areas of improvement and developed a plan to achieve our goals. This experience showed me that by working collaboratively, we can achieve more than we could alone.

Overall, I am grateful for the opportunity to work on my fitness through gym training. It has helped me become a stronger and healthier person, and I look forward to continuing to challenge myself and improve my fitness in the future.


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