FARWELL – PROJECT( Head of Logistics)

The farewell celebration for our seniors was not just an event, but a journey of personal and collective growth. Spanning across a myriad of responsibilities from logistics to media management, and even dance, it was an avenue for understanding the depth of challenges and the spirit of teamwork.

LO2- Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills.

The positions I had as Head of Logistics and Media Manager were outside of my usual comfort zone. Each has its own set of problems that demanded a unique skill set.

As the Head of Logistics, I was given a maze of chores that included anything from assuring timely delivery of décor materials to negotiating with multiple vendors. Navigating this maze required me to have a thorough grasp of the logistics process, as well as good communication and negotiating skills with suppliers. It was a constant challenge to balance cost economy and quality.

Concurrently, my work as Media Manager immersed me in the worlds of design, content development, and digital communication. To properly accomplish my responsibilities, I acquired the fundamentals of graphic design, social media algorithms, and even a little bit about filmmaking and editing. Creating messages that were relevant to our target and ensuring timely delivery were difficulties that educated me about the subtleties of digital communication.

LO3 – Initiate and plan a CAS experience

To ensure the event’s success, I initiated a comprehensive planning process. This began with setting clear objectives and milestones, allocating resources, and creating a timeline. Regular team meetings were conducted to track our progress and adjust the plan as needed. This proactive approach ensured that we were always steps ahead and prepared for unforeseen challenges.

LO4 – Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience

I began a thorough preparation procedure to assure the event’s success. Setting specific objectives and milestones, allocating resources, and developing a timeframe were the first steps. We had regular team meetings to track our progress and tweak the strategy as required. This proactive strategy guaranteed that we were always one step ahead of any potential problems.

However, commitment to the cause and a sense of responsibility towards my team and the seniors kept me anchored. There were moments of self-doubt, but they were countered by hours of problem-solving, strategizing, and a relentless pursuit to ensure the farewell was a success. Each setback became a lesson in perseverance, teaching me the value of staying committed to a task, especially when things don’t go as planned.

LO5-Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively

Working in tandem with a diverse team was both challenging and enlightening. While there were initial hiccups and differences, it underscored the significance of effective communication, trust, and mutual respect. Through collaboration, we combined individual strengths, shared insights, and built a cohesive unit that worked towards a shared vision.

LO7-Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions

Beyond the logistics and performances, we were always conscious of our ethical responsibilities. This included ensuring a sustainable approach to our decor materials, treating every team member with respect, and being transparent in our communication and actions. Our choices were consistently driven by a commitment to uphold the values of our institution and create an inclusive, memorable experience for all attendees.

The farewell celebration was more than an event – it was a testament to our ability to overcome challenges, grow personally and collectively, and act ethically. Through this CAS experience, I learned the invaluable lessons of perseverance, collaboration, and ethical decision-making that will resonate with me for years to come.

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