Beach cleaning

“World coastal clean up day” was an event organized by the SMC, at dumas beach. It was a great experience there. Every year on 16th September the world coastal clean-up day is celebrated. Our school FS were gathered at the dumas beach, it was an enjoyful event, and I participated for my CAS experience as it was an event which promoted awareness of envioumental sustainablity. Surat is a fast growing tier 2 city which will surely undertake a lot of progress in the coming years but at a cost of cleanliness as building more infrastructure, producing more goods and services requires the need of actions that pollute land, water and air prominently.

Learning Objectives 4,5,6 were catered in this event.

LO-4, The beach was huge and many parts and pieces of garbage was littered around which included plastic bottles, cans, food wrappers, polyethene, glass bottles, packets of chips, dried and waste leaves, jute etc. Cleaning the mess was proving to be a rigor because that required a lot of physical exertion as we had to pick garbage, fill bags, broom the micro dust and litter particles which were not accusable by hand etc. Despite of facing few challenges still I continued to work.

LO-5 We formed a group of four. Only one bag and two brooms were available to the four of us, but we still had to cooperate to finish the job on time. We needed to demonstrate cooperation, which we achieved by assigning duties. One of us stood with a bag to gather it all while the others picked up random stuff and some of us picked up plastic debris like disposables. Because we were friends, we understood one another and had no trouble getting along in a group project like this, so we worked quickly and without any problems.This resulted in an efficient cleaning process. Along with the collaborating with the group, there were also hundreds of other people on the beach that were participating for this cause.

LO-6 People throw trash on the side of the road or, in this case, the beach and allege that others have done the same. However, this drive  supported the  SDGs: Climate Action; Life Below Water; Life On Land.  The climate, people, land and marine animals, and other stakeholders would all gain greatly from this effort.

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