Mount. Abu trip (educational trip)

Our school organizes an educational trip every year, and this year we went to Mount.Abu. It was a great experience. I enjoyed a lot their, learned and did many adventurous activities too. Experienced this after long 3 years due to the Covid-19 issue, but now we were free to visit any place, and Mount.Abu was a great destination planned for our educational trip.

LO1 – Identify your own strengths and develop areas for growth: 

LO1: I am an adventurous person and love physical activities like these, so while performing these activities, I was able to identify my own strengths and weaknesses and note them down. These experiences have helped me know in what areas do I lack physically and how to work on them and improve. We developed resilience and real life problem-solving skills by showcasing the learner profiles of communicators, thinkers, and inquirers during the team games.

LO2 – Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills: 

 I hadn’t done caving and rappelling before, so learning the required techniques and implementing them on the spot was a challenge for me not only in terms of skill but also in order to ensure my safety. I explored the learner profile risk-taker by being courageous and getting out of my comfort zone.

LO4 – Show commitment to and perseverance in activities: 

I showed commitment and perseverance in this experience by completing all the activities and treks even though they were difficult Caving was difficult for me because it was the first ever time and we have to go through very steep and deadly holes while going through rock climbing even though we had harnesses for safety it was a tough activity to do. Trek was a little difficult too because it was my first time.

The learner profiled displayed by me was, “courageous” this is because I performed adventurous activities, which I had never done before. we developed a sense of personal achievement and self-confidence. This helped us cater to the learner profile balance by catering to our spiritual, mental and physical well-being.

LO5 – Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively

During the whole educational trip, there were many team/group-building activities that were organized, through which we aimed to learn more about cooperation and working collaboratively with each other. These games helped developed communication skills and also helped understand the dynamic of working in a group. Along with that, the 4 days we had to stay with our friends outside of our comfort zone, which helped us adapt to living alone and also led to working together with our friends throughout the trip to ensure that all of us are comfortable. The benefits of working together is that you get motivated by seeing other people do the same things and also helps you adapt to the new challenges and risks faced, as all of your colleagues are doing the same.

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