Keeping up with the most recent design ideas and tools is essential for anybody interested in user interface and user experience design in today’s fast-paced digital environment. As a result, I started the Udemy course “Motion Design with Figma: Animations, Motion Graphics, UX/UI.” In addition to improving my understanding of UI/UX, the course promised to provide me practical experience utilising real-world projects and Figma, a cutting-edge design tool. The objective was to leave with a stronger skill set, a more complete portfolio, and a better comprehension of how to use motion graphics in design.

LO1-Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

I was able to see my areas of strength and those that needed improvement during the training. One of my natural talents was the speed with which I could pick up the concepts of Motion Design. This might be attributable to my prior knowledge and fondness for graphics. But for me, utilising Figma’s Smart Animate was a brand-new idea. It was difficult at first, but I thought it was fascinating. I came to see how crucial it was to keep up with the most recent technologies and methods in the field. I evaluated my strengths and weaknesses throughout the projects, especially when developing the Smart Home Mobile App.

LO2-Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills.

The journey through this course was paved with several challenges. As mentioned, the Smart Animate feature in Figma was initially a hurdle. However, the “Nat Geo Carousel” project forced me to step out of my comfort zone and delve deep into the workings of the feature. Through continuous trial and error, and referencing multiple resources, I managed to master it. By the end of the course, I had not only strengthened my foundation in Motion Design but also acquired a new skill set with Figma’s animation features.

LO3-Initiate and plan a CAS experience

Planning was necessary before starting the Udemy course “Motion Design with Figma: Animations, Motion Graphics, UX/UI”. I set up a daily schedule and allocated two hours to make sure I was consistently engaging with the content. Every session started with a review of the material from the day before to ensure continuity. Weekly reviews evaluated module completion and level of understanding, ensuring that learning quality was prioritised over time commitment. Because the course was project-based, each project needed to be individually planned. To maximise results, brainstorming, drawing, and feedback integration were spread apart. Milestones were noted on the monitoring sheet, which served as both a progress monitor and a motivator. A rich learning experience was guaranteed by this methodical approach, which balanced daily devotion with weekly evaluations and thorough project preparation.

LO4-Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience

Through this learning curve, perseverance was essential. There were times of uncertainty, particularly while creating the “Home Reno Web Landing Page and Form.” My patience and commitment were put to the test as I tried to balance the animations while guaranteeing a user-friendly experience. I persevered, nevertheless, by keeping in mind that my main goal was to expand my portfolio and provide better UX/UI solutions. The dedication paid off when I was prepared with a professionally finished portfolio at the end of the training. The fact that I had persevered through the challenging times, sought criticism, and made sure every piece showed quality and effort was more important than simply finishing.

After finishing the Udemy course, I discover that I have changed not just as a designer but also as a committed learner. The difficulties I encountered and the abilities I gained highlighted the need of ongoing education in the field of design. The fundamentals of tenacity, dedication, and self-growth don’t change despite changes in tools and fashion. I am more than prepared to take on the dynamic world of UI/UX design, one project at a time, with a revitalised portfolio and a heart full of appreciation for the experience.

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