PS Badminton

As a high school student, staying active and fit has always been a priority for me. I firmly believe that a healthy body fosters a healthy mind. This year, I opted in for PS where I choose badminton. It’s more than just a sport; it’s a passion that allows me to focus on all different aspects of my body. Even if it’s just for an hour, playing badminton twice or thrice a week has proven to be a great workout that benefits me physically and mentally.

Identifying Strengths and Developing Areas for Growth (LO1)

Through my involvement in badminton, I’ve had the opportunity to identify my strengths and areas for growth. Initially, I discovered that my agility and reflexes were some of my strengths on the court. However, my endurance and stamina needed improvement. Over time, I have worked diligently to develop my endurance by engaging in additional cardio exercises and participating in longer practice sessions. This experience has taught me the value of self-assessment and continuous self-improvement, both on and off the court.

Showing Perseverance and Commitment in CAS Experience (LO4)

Badminton has been a testament to my perseverance and commitment in the CAS program. The journey was not always smooth, as there were times when I faced tough opponents and had to cope with losses. However, I never gave up. Instead, I pushed myself to practice harder, refine my skills, and maintain a positive attitude. This determination has not only improved my badminton performance but has also transcended into other areas of my life. I’ve learned that commitment and perseverance are key factors in achieving personal growth and success. Moreover, at times I did not wish to attend the sport, but I pushed myself to go and play either ways showing my commitment towards it.

Recognizing and Considering the Ethics of Choices and Actions (LO7)

In the world of sports, ethics and sportsmanship play a pivotal role. My badminton experience has taught me to recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions both on and off the court. Whether it’s acknowledging the opponent’s good shot or adhering to the rules without compromise, I’ve learned that integrity is non-negotiable. Moreover, I’ve actively taken part in promoting ethical behavior among my peers, emphasizing the importance of fair play and respect for one another. This aspect of my CAS journey has shaped me into a more responsible and ethical individual, both in sports and in life.

Engaging in badminton as part of my CAS experience has helped me grow as a principled individual. Firstly, it reinforced my commitment to self-improvement, as I wholeheartedly dedicated myself to the sport for my well-being. Additionally, I embraced principled conduct on and off the court by prioritizing integrity, honesty, and respect in my games. This experience has shaped me into a principled person who values personal growth, fair play, and ethical choices in all aspects of life.

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