Farewell : Project

Saying goodbye to our seniors is always a bittersweet moment. This year, I was honored to be the host of our seniors’ farewell event. I also helped choreograph a few dances, and I wrote the script for the evening. I was motivated to plan this event because I wanted to bid my seniors adieu. I wanted them to feel appreciated and celebrated for all of their hard work and dedication. I also wanted to be a part of an event that would bring our school community together and create lasting memories.

LO1: Identify your strengths and develop areas for growth

One of my strengths is that I am organized and have a good eye for detail. This was helpful when planning and executing the farewell event. I was also able to use my creative skills when choreographing the dances and writing the script. However, I also identified some areas where I need to grow. For example, I sometimes have difficulty delegating tasks. I wanted everything to be perfect, which led to me being overly critical of myself and others.

LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills

One of the biggest challenges I faced when planning the farewell event was managing my time effectively. I had a lot of other commitments, so I had to be very organized and disciplined. I also had to learn to delegate tasks, which was something I had not done much before.

I overcame these challenges by taking the time to plan and organize my work. I also asked for help from my team members and from other people who had experience with event planning and choreography. I learned that it is important to be proactive and to seek help when needed.

LO3: Initiate a cas experience:

I was motivated to plan this event because I wanted to bid my seniors adieu. I wanted them to feel appreciated and celebrated for all of their hard work and dedication. I also wanted to be a part of an event that would bring our school community together and create lasting memories. Planning the event was a lot of work, but I was committed to making it a success. I worked long hours, but I was always mindful of the importance of taking breaks and delegating tasks. I also made sure to communicate effectively with my team members and to seek help when needed. In the end, the event was a huge success.

LO4: Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience

Planning the farewell event was a lot of work, but I was committed to making it a success. There were times when I felt overwhelmed, but I persevered and got the job done. I learned that it is important to persevere when faced with challenges. I also learned that it is important to have a positive attitude and to stay focused on my goals.

LO5: Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively

I could not have planned and executed the farewell event without the help of my team. We worked together to come up with ideas, solve problems, and support each other. I learned a lot about the importance of teamwork and communication during this experience. I learned that it is important to be respectful of others’ ideas and to be willing to compromise. I also learned that it is important to be supportive of my team members and to appreciate them.

LO7: Recognise and consider the ethics of choices and actions

When planning the farewell event, I had to make sure that all of our choices were ethical and respectful of the seniors.

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