Subroto National Football Tournament – Activity

Football has always held a special place in my heart. From my childhood, I’ve been deeply passionate with aspirations to achieve greatness in the sport. Fast forward to 2022, I led Gujarat in the Subroto National Football Tournament. The competition was intense, and victory seemed elusive. But our defeats became lessons, helping us to refine areas like teamwork, in-game adaptability, field communication, and boosting our agility and pace. Even with challenges, we committed fully to every training session, striving for improvement. While we didn’t clinch the title, the tournament enriched our perspective, instilling in us a drive to return fiercer for the next edition.

LO1-Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

The tournament provided insights into my strengths and areas needing attention. I honed in on improving facets like teamwork, on-field communication, and agility, contributing to a better individual performance.

LO2-Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills.

The tournament posed significant hurdles as we faced skilled teams nationwide. This competitive environment prompted us to learn and integrate new tactics and strategies observed from expert opponents. Our growth was evident as we adopted new skills, and by introspecting, we identified and worked on our weaknesses.

LO3-Initiate and plan a CAS experience

Our journey through the tournament demanded unwavering commitment and tenacity. Despite challenges, we consistently engaged in rigorous training, focused on our fitness, and maintained high morale, highlighting our determination to succeed.

LO4-Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience

Football’s essence is teamwork, and our journey underscored the value of unified effort. Effective communication, reliance on teammates, and a shared vision were pivotal. This collaborative spirit not only fostered stronger bonds but also showcased the advantages of collective effort. My interactions with teammates underscored the IB learner traits of communication and open-mindedness, as I remained receptive to their strategies and insights.

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