BAL MELA – Activity


I volunteered to be a part of the tug-of-war team, where my responsibility was to help children play tug-of-war. I was excited to participate in this event as I knew it would be a great opportunity for me to connect with children and learn more about their experiences

The day started with the children arriving on buses from different schools, all excited to be a part of Bal Mela. The event was set up with different activities such as dance performances, art and craft stalls, and sports events. The atmosphere was lively and energetic, and I could sense the enthusiasm of the children.

As a part of the tug-of-war team, I had to make sure that the children were enjoying the game and following the rules. I was amazed to see how quickly the children understood the game and how they all worked together as a team to win. It was heartwarming to see the joy on their faces when they succeeded.

Apart from playing the game, I also had the opportunity to interact with the children, ask them about their schools, their hobbies, and what they enjoyed the most about Bal Mela. The children were so full of life, and their stories and experiences inspired me.

Volunteering at Bal Mela was a truly enriching experience. Not only did I get to contribute to the community, but I also learned so much about myself and the importance of working together as a team. I realized that giving back to the community is not only a responsibility but also a way of learning and growing.

LO1-Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

During the event, I observed that some children were very competitive and very eager to win, while others were more laid back and just wanted to have fun. I realized that my strength was in my ability to connect with all of the children, regardless of their attitude towards the game. I made sure to engage with all of them and motivate them to participate in the game.

At the same time, I also recognized that I had an opportunity for growth. While I was good at motivating the children, I struggled to explain the rules of the game in a clear and concise manner. This made it difficult for some of the children to understand the rules and participate fully. I realized that I needed to work on my communication skills and find a better way to explain the rules to the children

LO2 – Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills.

As the event began, I was a little nervous about leading the Tug of War activity. However, as the children arrived, their excitement and enthusiasm were contagious, and I quickly found my confidence. I started explaining the rules and guidelines of the game, and soon enough, the children started lining up for their turn.

As I watched the children pulling the rope with all their might, I realized that this activity was not only about having fun but also about developing new skills. It required strength, teamwork, and determination to win the game. I had to encourage and motivate the children to work together and put their best foot forward.

As the game progressed, I faced a few challenges, such as some children feeling discouraged after losing a round, but I quickly learned to overcome these hurdles by motivating them to try again and not give up.

Through this activity, I not only learned how to handle challenges but also how to develop new skills. I learned the importance of communication, patience, and leadership. It was an amazing experience to see the children working together and learning from each other.

LO4 – Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience

At first, I faced some difficulties in getting the children to participate actively in the activity. Some of them seemed hesitant, while others were overenthusiastic and wanted to win at any cost. I had to strike a balance between encouraging participation and ensuring that the children played fair and safely.

To achieve this, I had to show perseverance and commitment in my role as a volunteer. I spent time explaining the rules of the game, demonstrating how to play, and encouraging the children to participate actively. I made sure to address any concerns or questions they had, and I tried to create an inclusive and supportive environment for all participants.

Over time, I noticed that the children were getting more comfortable with the activity and were actively engaging with their teammates. They started strategizing and coordinating their efforts to win the game, all while having fun and enjoying the experience. It was heartening to see them working together and pushing their limits to achieve their goals.

LO5-Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively

While I was facilitating the competition, I also connected it with Learning Outcome 5 – Demonstrating skills and benefits of working collaboratively. I encouraged the children to work together as a team and explained to them the importance of collaboration in achieving success. I explained that when they work collaboratively, they can share their ideas, strengths, and skills with each other, which can help them achieve their goals more efficiently.

Through this experience, I not only helped the children learn a new skill, but I also had the opportunity to develop my own skills. I learned how to communicate and coordinate with the children and their teachers effectively. I also learned how to manage a large group of children and ensure that everyone had a fair chance to participate.

LO6 – Engagement with issues of global significance

While I was supervising the game, I couldn’t help but think about how it connected with the IB Learner Profile attribute of being an engaged citizen. Tug of War is not just a fun game, but it also teaches children about teamwork, communication, and resilience. These are important skills that can help children navigate through challenges and issues of global significance.

Moreover, the Bal Mela event itself is an example of engagement with issues of global significance. It brings together children from different backgrounds, promoting diversity and inclusivity. It also raises awareness about the importance of education and provides an opportunity for children to showcase their talents and skills.

As a volunteer, I felt a sense of fulfillment knowing that I was contributing to a larger cause. By organizing the Tug of War game, I was helping children develop skills that they could use in their future lives. I was also playing a small role in promoting inclusivity and awareness about global issues.

LO7-Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions

I was able to connect my experience with the IB learner profile attribute of ‘Recognizing and considering the ethics of choices and actions’ (LO7). By guiding the children and encouraging them to participate in a fair and respectful manner, I was able to promote ethical behavior and values.

Moreover, I had to consider the ethical implications of volunteering in community service. It is crucial to recognize the power dynamics that exist between the volunteer and the community they are serving. I had to be aware of the potential for unintentional harm and ensure that my actions benefitted the children I was teaching.

Overall, the Bal Mela event was an incredible experience, and I feel grateful to have had the opportunity to volunteer for it. I learned a lot about myself and the impact that I can have on others through my actions. It was heartwarming to see the joy on the children’s faces and to know that I had played a small part in making their day special.

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