
Cycling has always been a part of my life. I’ve been cycling for almost 8 years, and it’s always been my favorite form of exercise. But, with my busy academic schedule and extra work, I don’t have much time to start riding again. Cycling is not only an activity that keeps me fit and healthy, but it also helps me lighten up and feel relaxed. So I picked this as one of my CAS experiences and resumed cycling. My major objective during the procedure was to maximize the amount of time I could bike. This CAS experience also assisted me in improving my speed. It aided me in noting my progress and how it has evolved during the six months I have committed to developing and strengthening my riding.

LO1 (Identify my own strengths and develop areas for growth): I discovered that I am physically inactive, so I chose cycling because it is something I like doing. I chose to only do it on weekends since during the week I would be busy with school, get fatigued, and have no time after school, so the weekend was a wonderful decision because I would be able to wake up early in the morning (which is one of my weaknesses) to go cycling to have a new start for the day. Also, I’m not a terrific biker and can’t do more than 5 km in one go, so I wanted to push myself by aiming for 10 km each day. The first few days were difficult since I had cycled for the first time in a long time and over a larger distance. But it grew better every weekend as I worked on my weakness.

LO2 (Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken while gaining new abilities) was also covered since we encountered numerous problems because cycling around the city is not easy because there are cars and buses so we had to stop many times. Also during winter, it is very difficult to wake up in the morning as it is very cold outside.

LO3 (Initiate and plan a CAS experience) I prepared a timetable to ensure my successful completion of the bicycle challenge. This endeavor was incorporated into my everyday routine as I evaluated it. When I first started out on my voyage, I quickly became bored with pedaling for 30 minutes. It didn’t take long for me to realize that adding some music to the mix may make it more interesting. Even so, the novelty faded off after a time. It was at that point that I went to a buddy who shared my passion for riding. We coordinated our schedules and started cycling together. This collaboration not only saved me from becoming bored but also allowed me to easily complete the assignment.

LO4 (Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences): As previously stated, I was really weary on the first day, making it difficult to wake up early the next day. This is where tenacity and dedication came into play, as even though I was hesitant to rise up the next day and even got a little late, I still pushed myself and went riding. I was determined to fulfill the goal for the month, and even after completing the goal, I was still dedicated to riding, even if it wasn’t for a certain distance.

LO6 (Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance): Indirectly, I believe this action was related to the issue of pollution because automobiles release a lot of pollutants and, as is often thought, cycling is the solution because it not only prevents pollution but also benefits one’s own health. This experience taught me that for short distances of 10-15 km, cycling is preferable to scooters or vehicles, and I have attempted to incorporate this into my life as well as raise awareness about it among my family and friends.

LO7 (Recognize and evaluate the ethics of choices and actions) was also addressed in the project because we used to ride with a large group of cyclists on major routes on Sunday mornings. We had to be careful not to harm other residents. Another concern was that we wanted to ensure there were no injuries since while cycling on important routes, automobiles are usually going at 60-70 kph, which may be quite dangerous.

Overall, it was a safe and interactive experience in which I learned a variety of skills such as communication and organization. I also increased my endurance and learned how to manage my time.


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