Vocals (AS): Creativity

Since I was in fourth grade, all of my teachers have admired my passion to singing because I was active in school programmes. As a grade 11 student with a lot of work that involved studying, I made the decision to undertake something that made me happy inside as a way to unwind. I signed up for a vocals lesson offered by my school. As I’ve already stated, I’ve always had a passion for singing and related activities. When I was a young child, music has always been my rock when I was sad or even at my happiest.

LO1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

I really enjoy to sing and vibe wherever there’s some sort of music. I remember, back in grade 4 I started to sing in my school and this year too I continued to do so. One of the most obvious strengths is that I can sing well, I have a good voice and have been complimented a lot of times. One of my weaknesses, of which I am quite ashamed, is that I find it difficult to sing at my best when there are a lot of people around me. Even though I acknowledge that I can sing fairly well, I still lack the confidence to showcase my talent. I constantly worry about how people will see me, but taking this on as a CAS experience and enrolling in singing classes at school has definitely helped me gain confidence. We have school performances that are a fantastic method to increase my confidence.

LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

While this is a skill that cannot be acquired overnight, it takes time, dedication to become better at it, and learning new things like higher scales. I usually chose songs that sounded appealing to me and those I could sing easily since sometimes I just used to sing to relax or express my enjoyment. But, as my classes progressed and with everyone’s input, I experimented with several songs that were beyond my comfort zone.Being able to sing within these limitations was difficult for me because I wasn’t used to them before. Some songs had very high pitches, some had very low pitches, and certain stanzas required our voice to be pretty deep. Reflective skills were those I developed during the process as I considered how I sing currently and how to improve it.Being able to commit to things  has been one of my biggest flaws over the years. As a result, I was first hesitant when asked if I could perform and considered not going, but my colleagues encouraged me to do so.  There were several moments where I could not initially reach some high notes, but as I practised, I began to relax and started hitting the notes..

LO4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

Although vocal exercises and learning ways to sing better were arduous and time-consuming, I persisted because I knew the results would be fantastic. Even though I occasionally felt that I should miss classes and study rather, my dedication to continuously attending class helped me improve as a singer.

I had to maintain consistency and perseverance throughout the entire process and carry it out over an extended period of time. It was challenging to commit to working for two days a week, and there were other days when I just wanted to take a day off. I sometimes had to force myself to work since I wasn’t in the mood to go to music lessons or sit down for my daily practise. Yet it all pays off in the end because I get better and better at singing and thanks to my frequent practise. Lastly, mastering this new technique has boosted my abilities, and ultimately, that is what counts.

LO5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

I have always had stage fright and hence I have not performed in school . CAS gave me the chance to get out of my comfort zone and perform, which helped me overcome my stage fright. This entire process has shown me how well I interact with a group of strangers. It also made me more aware of my capacity to sing and perform live at a significant occasion.Learning vocals in school had a lot of my colleagues who were my backbone whom I was sometimes dependent on if i had some doubts on how to sing. We did and will have band performances where I had/will have to work collaboratively with them knowing their strengths and weakness for a smooth performance that the audience would enjoy.

LO7: Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions

Specifically I adhered to a few sets of ideologies that fit in my definition of ethics.  My parents have been working very hard to pay for all the classes I enroll in, so it is my responsibility to reciprocate and demonstrate to them the excellent outcomes I have achieved. As a result, I made sure to attend all of my classes because it is an ethic I learned from my parents to not cheat and take advantage of every opportunity. Also, I believe that ethics sometimes involves being selfless or genuine to yourself rather than just being loyal and true to those around you. So hence I ensured to do things I enjoy and commit to every opportunity for my sake. I ensured to say yes to all the opportunities and fought for my right to sing in all events possible and make proper use of the skill.

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