Beach Cleaning – CAS Experience

beaches all around the world are for relaxing and enjoyment purposes but in this people leisure people tend to pollute all this beautiful beaches around us. Not only that this pollution also causes water pollution which also ruins our oceans, Beach pollution is one of the most major pollution sources of ocean pollution. So on the 17th of september we got an opportunity to clean one of dumases local beach as the 17th of september is also known as world coastal cleanup day. I, along with my friends went to clean the beach up. We were working with SMC( The organization that made this come true ). All of us worked really hard and because of this we were successfully able to collect 3 bags worth of garbage.


LO4(Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience)-

Although a lot of people had volunteered, The amount of trash that was present there was a lot and we had only 2-3 hours to clean the beach up, But because we showed perseverance and commitment we worked really hard and in the end the beach was a lot cleaner than expected. Not only this but because of the commitment we were able to motivate a lot of people into not polluting our environment. It was not even that hard me and my friends had all worked together.


LO5(Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively)-

By working together we were able to attract more people for cleaning the beach and working together can prove to be more efficient and in the end the beach would be a lot more cleaner, Also if we mix everyone’s different kind of skills than it can even be faster.


LO6(Engagement with issues of global significance)-

There is a global issue of not disposing the waste in a more effective and environmental friendly way and because of this reason the waste was just piling up and because beach pollution is the main source for ocean pollution, it puts fishes and other marine life for being struck by this piling garbage.


LO7(Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions)-

Us humans should realise the mistakes that we are making and we should work on it with unity but instead everyone just blames others for every problem they face, I am strictly against pollution. This experience has enhanced my understanding and even my motto, It has also caused me to look at things with different perspectives and consequences.



I developed some learner profile attributes through this experience, Such as caring; By worrying and thinking about the environment and marine life, Communitors; by collaborating with the organization and my friends to get the most efficient and effective way to clean the beach.

I felt really proud that i was able to make a change in the environment in just a span of 3 hours, I was shocked to see that how much the beach was actually cleaned, The beach went from full of garbage to very clean.



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