Feeding stray dogs – CAS Experience

I love dogs and I even own a dog so owning a dog changed the way I look at dogs, and changed my perspective for them. Because of this change I now see a lot of dogs in the street that are really dependent on humans and need our help so I wanted to help them. One of the major things that the dogs are dependent on is for food so I wanted to feed some dogs in my area that need my help.


LO3 ( Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience )-

In this we had to think of a lot of factors like how much food is to be given to a dog, Total amount of food, How many dogs to give food to, how to execute this plan and others like this. After all of this was done then me and my brother went to distribute the food to the dogs and everything was planned perfectly.


LO4 ( Show perseverance and commitment in CAS Experience )-

I had shown perseverance and commitment in this CAS Experience. As first, Perseverance as whatever problem faced me and if it was a obstruction between me and feeding the dogs I would face it and try to resolve it no matter what the cost is and in the end I was successfully able to feed them.

Commitment as I had to be committed to what was right and I even had sacrificed a lot of my time into the planning of this, This also shows that I am committed to the work.


LO6 ( Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance )-

In this we were focusing on some sdg’s as well like life on land as we should consider that every organism’s life matter, As us humans shouldn’t be this selfish that they cannot even take some time of there day to help the needy including animals and zero hunger as we were feeding the dogs to resolve a really huge problem of hunger.


I was able to connect with some learner attributes like thinkers: As with thinking about the dogs and questioning myself about them which caused the spark to do something about them, And caring: I had feed them because I cared about them due to the reason that I own a dog, My dog made me look at the world with a different perspective and different consequences.


It felt really amazing to be able to do something to make somebody’s life a bit more better, It may have been a small change but there was a change.


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