
A skill that almost everybody love is cycling I’m going to put a lot of time and effort into this sport. Since cycling requires a lot of strength and stamina, that is  what I want to improve as an athlete. Cycling works the entire lower body and legs including the gluets, calfs, hamstrings, and knee. Long ago, I had the desire to ride a bicycle for long distances, but I was unable to accomplish it. I now have the chance to participate in this sport and improve my physical fitness for the betterment of my body.


LO-1[identify own strengths and develop areas for growth]

Before cycling i was kinda lazy with my fitness was not having any leg strength an it was one of my easy weakness .I looked very hard for the strategies to make my legs strong and cycling proved to be the most effective. I had a lot of leg movement because I had played soccer before, but I was not able to build my muscle strength, so I tried cycling to do that. Another benefit of mine is that I have always had a sport perspective allowing me to complete the cool-down and stretching exercises after a long cycling session just as easily because I knew what exercises to do to target what portion of the leg. My legs are now stronger thanks to cycling, and they can now support my body in a variety of ways, not only when I’m playing but also while walking,jogging and running for a long period of time.

LO-2[demonstrate the challenges that have been undertaken]

There were a few challenges I had as this was not a completely new skill that I had to learn. Starting with the basic, cycling a long distance alone can be boring and exhausting, but I managed to find a solution. I used to put in my headphones before every trip, turn on some music, and then drive for an entire hour. I was able to sing along to the music, which distracted me from the pain in my muscles while pedalling. I was able to ride for 30 km in a single run since music helped me stay awake and focused while driving another obstacle for me in the beginning.was that my legs used to hurt a lot at first, making it difficult for me to even walk, but with a regular stretching routine, the pain vanished. Even while new experiences aren’t always good, you soon get used to them, and it was the journey’s completion that made me happy and satisfied after all the effort I had put in over the previous few months.

LO-3[initiate and plan the CAS experience]

whole schedule was prepared before I began the activity. I planned this experience largely because I didn’t want it to conflict with other daily tasks because doing everything at once would be quite tiring for me. In order to give my best effort throughout the day, I made every attempt to avoid getting my other activities clash. The original plan was to cycle five times a week,missing  any days I used to increase my distance the following another day in the following week.Planning was not that tough because I had already planned a similar experience like this before.This time, as the planning became easier so did the beginning. I was able to maintain my cycling schedule with my other daily chores thanks to my time management skills

L0-4[ show perseverance and commitment in the cas experience]

regular practice for this experience was needed because taking breaks in between wouldn’t give the accurate result I’m looking for. I had to set up at least an hour per day for cycling, so this experience required my full dedication and commitment. It was first difficult for me to balance it with my studies, but with the help of a good schedule, I was able to handle my homework, assignments, and physical activity. The next day, when I tried to ride mu bicycle after a break, it was even more difficult for me because I’d have muscle pain and would have to decrease the distance until I became used to it and there was no escape,the only option was to do it without any idleness for good body and muscles.

LO-7[ recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions]

Discrimination of age was a significant ethical concern that was present in the activity. Meaning that because it was unsafe, my parents wouldn’t let me ride my bicycle far from home alone  when i was 13-14 years old and also its not their fault for thinking in this manner as they feel worried for us, i always have to ask my friend to come and join me in the early morning cycling sessions because there are fewer people on road and it made me realize that how hard it was for us to go out with friends early in the morning for cycling and be aware of the danger outside. 2 of the sustainable development goals are directly related to this activity of mine one is Goal 13: Climate action and another is Goal 3: good health and wellbeing. My inspiration for taking up activities was to keep myself in good health and shape and was one of the reason why i started cycling. this not only allowed me to save fuel which i used to spent for my car, but it also made me to understand how important it is to reduce the pollution and smoke that our cars create. I would ride my bicycle for short distances whenever I had to do any independent work, help my mother with grocery shopping, or do anything else to reduce the amount of pollution car produce

To conclude, cycling is enjoyable and a great way to strengthen your legs it has not only helped me improving myself physically but also made me felt more energetic and well-organized.


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