Global Odyssey 3.0

On February 23, 2023, Global Odyssey, a student-led event, was held. We, the business management and economics students, were given instructions on how to run this swap meet event. The major goal of the event was for us to apply our classroom learning to real-world situations and understand the highs and lows of a business. the event was divided into  three sections  fun, fashion, and food. I was chosen to serve as a volunteer in decor team for this occasion.


LO-3[ Initiate and plan a CAS experience ]

As a team, we came up with the idea for the Global Odyssey event by seeing a chance to demonstrate our skills, creative and societal thinking, and interaction. We understood that organizing a big event would be difficult for us and provide us a chance to learn new things. We outlined our responsibilities, created a schedule, and made objectives. We also made sure that the event was in sync with the SDGs and the  learning outcomes.

LO–4[show perseverance and commitment in this CAS experience]

We showed our commitment and perseverance to the Global Odyssey event by working hard for weeks to led the event successfully. we invested our time, expertise, and materials to the event, proving our commitment to its success. We overcome logistical challenges and financial limitations by staying committed to our aims and better focus.

LO-5[ Demonstrate skills and benefit of working collaboratively ]

The entire process of organizing and carrying out the event involved teamwork. Our team’s leader organized the work and divided it equally among the team members. We were able to gather resources quickly and finish the assignment without a lot of work because of the smart delegation. We were able to identify the resources required for the decor of food stalls  and apply  ideas into the design of their stalls At this time, we were able to show a number of IB learner profiles, including being open-minded,communication and thinking to gather knowledge.

LO-6[ Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance ]

The Global Odyssey event showcased our involvement with global challenges by being planned and targeted to the SDGs. We took action to promote responsible consumption and production, minimize waste, and promote innovation and creativity because we understood the significance of sustainable development. Also, we made sure that the event promoted moral employment, increased economic growth, and developed strong architecture addressing to 8,9 and 10 SUSTAINABLE GOALS.


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