CANVAS painting

Painting canvases has always held a particular place in my heart as an artist and art fan. I’ve always been intrigued by how effectively and aggressively this media can convey a message or an idea. A poster painting should make a statement and grab the viewer’s attention in addition to being visually attractive. I clearly remember how taken I was by a CANVAS  painting’s vivid colors and striking design the first time I saw one in a gallery. Since then, I’ve been captivated by this artistic medium and have experimented with it myself, using it to communicate my opinions and ideas. I can mix my love of art and my desire for poster painting.

LO-1[ identify own strengths and develop areas for growth ]

I’ve found that when it comes to painting canvases, my strength is in being able to conceptualize and arrange the poster’s layout. I like coming across ideas and trying out different methods to present a message or an idea in a visually appealing manner. In order to make the poster visually beautiful, I work to strike a balance between the elements in my use of colors and composition, and I feel secure doing so. I’ve discovered that I do sometimes have trouble drawing accurate, clear lines and trouble using color to give my paintings depth and perspective. so I planned to use different techniques to improve my skills.

LO-2[ Demonstrate the challenges that have been undertaken ]

when i started painting there are a lot of things which were like challenges to me such as shading, proportion and alignment,art supplies etc. Additionally, I have improved my knowledge of color matching, structure, and font via constant practice and experimenting. I’ve learnt how to balance visual elements and use empty space efficiently to create designs that run together and draw the viewer attention. These challenges have forced me to experiment with other methods and styles, which has increased my creativity and given me greater belief in my poster-drawing skills.

LO-7[ Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions ]

As a poster creator, I understand how crucial it is to think carefully about the importance of my decisions. As an instance, I try to make work that is fair, inclusive, and supports positive social change while being aware of the effects that my ideas may have on many individuals and cultures. Using other people’s work as inspiration for my own, i am very sensitive of the protection of intellectual property and the value of giving credit where credit is due. Also, I think about how my materials will affect the environment and aim to use sustainable solutions whenever necessary.I believe it’s important for me to pursue my canvas painting work with an ethical mindset that reflects what it means to be a responsible creator.

LO-4[ show commitment and perseverance in this CAS experience ]

My canvas-drawing CAS experience has needed a great deal of perseverance and commitment. There were times when I was disappointed about my progress and questioned my skills, but I didn’t give up. I promised to practice and develop my talents on a regular basis, whatever difficulties or inconvenience. I now have a deep understanding of the need of perseverance and commitment in achieving both personal development and creative achievement. I am thankful of the chance to put these qualities to use in my poster-drawing efforts as well as the positive effects it has had on my personal 


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