BAL MELA volunteer

Bal mela is an event held on 25th of February  2023 hosted by our school where underprivileged kids were called to have fun and enjoy the activites around the school with  such sac race, face painting nail art, tyre dragging etc. the. My role for this event is that i was made incharge of 2 activities- tyre dragging,find the key and crawling under the net because of the sports background.The goal of this event was to give underprivileged children a fun-filled time by engaging them in activities and creative games.


LO-1[ Identify own strengths and develop areas under growth ]

Identifying my own strengths and areas for improvement was one of the most important learning experiences for me. I realized that I was good at understanding the needs of people from different backgrounds and how they wanted to play the games,  this was my area of strength. I understood that I needed to strengthen my capacity to lead huge crowds of people. Although managing a big number of participants was difficult, the experience allowed me to gain new expertise in event planning.

LO-2[Demonstrate the challenges that have been undertaken]

Being the activity’s in-charge i presented the difficulty of being responsible to my groups and understanding their needs. I had to understand me and my volunteer viewpoints and tolerant with them and also my patience level is kinda low so it was challenging for me . I gained knowledge about teamwork and moving as a unit. I was aware of how practical it is for everyone to collaborate and work towards the same goal.

LO-6[ Engagement with issues of global significance ]

BAL MELA  was an event held to reduce the inequality towards the underprivileged kids by engaging them in different activities and creativity which they aren’t able to experience.It increased beauty and bought kids from different schools, different age group to spend a wonderful time together.

LO-7[ Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions]

The fundamental principles that must be considered in this circumstance are justice, respect, and accountability. That could have been reflected in what we gave to the bal mela. We have to take a bit more precaution with them because they were little shy due to their age. They shouldn’t be given any less respect simply because they came from a less fortunate family,at last everyone was left with a joyed face.

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