Cultural capsule volunteering

Cultural Capsule is a cultural club organised by grade 11 students where we intend to educate people about Indian culture. We are organising a drive where we will go to an orphanage and do activities/games related to Indian culture.

LO1:Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

Through this experience I identified one of my strengths which was being a good and clear instructor,I was placed in a group with my friends to teach those children to make hand made lanterns with paper and I realised that I was very clear and precise with the instruction that i  gave to those children on how to make those lanterns.While I gave good instructions, one of my weakness was art and craft,I was not able to cut stuff properly or fold them.After realising my strength I think I’ll be able to use it more often in different places.

LO4:Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

It made it difficult where perseverance and commitment was need as the event was long and we had to make the children do art-craft and play them games most of which was very new to me so showing commitment to this experience was a little difficult for me as I did not how things would turn out to be.But showing commitment and perseverance in doing any task is extremely important, as to do things perfectly commitment is required.

LO5:Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively

Working with people is usually very easy for me and in this case too it was easy working with people.We were divided into groups and were alloted some tasks to teach to the orphans studying at Sun grace school, we worked collaboratively and divided the kids between and taught them how to make paper lanterns.In this case teamwork helped our group to do work efficiently and also effectively.After dividing the kids, we were able to work faster and help the children learn how make lanterns, after the arts and crafts we all danced on traditional gujarati dances:Garba and sanedo

LO6:Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

The global issue catered in this experience is Good health and well-being and Quality education.These issues were are globally significant as there are millions of people around the globe who proper education and proper nourishing.And letting these children know about their culture at a young age was really important as then they could have an identity about who they are and grow up and be successful.I feel really proud that we were able to help these children and help them gain knowledge.

LO7: Recognise and consider the ethics of choices and actions

By helping these children and educate them about their culture could help them become more independent and have an identity for themselves, it makes them confident and clever decision makers.By doing a group activity we also showed them the significance of working together and collaborating which is an important skill to have.


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