the club called “Cultural Capsule.” schedule drives. Recently, I volunteered for one of outreach programs aimed at raising awareness about Indian culture. During the event, we visited an orphanage and engaged the children in various games and activities related to Indian culture. 


LO1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth 

By volunteering as a mentor and tutor, I will have the opportunity to reflect on my own strengths and weaknesses as a learner and communicator and develop new skills and strategies to be more effective in helping others.


Before starting my volunteer work, I reflected on my personal strengths and how they could be utilized. I am also a patient and empathetic person who enjoys working with children. By recognizing these qualities, I felt confident in my ability to create engaging lesson plans and foster a positive classroom environment.

As I began, I encountered several challenges that helped me identify areas for growth in my personal and interpersonal skills. For instance, I had to learn how to effectively communicate with children who had different learning styles and abilities. I also had to learn how to manage, create an inclusive environment, and to meet the individual needs of children. By facing these challenges, I realized that I needed to improve my communication, adaptability, and organization skills, which are essential not only for teaching but also in my personal and academic life.


LO2-Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills.

Teaching art and craft to children presented several challenges that I had to overcome. Firstly, I had to plan and create lesson plans that were age-appropriate and engaging for children . Secondly, I had to learn how to manage the environment, ensuring that every child received equal attention and help with their artwork. Lastly, I had to manage the expectations of the children, ensuring that they felt satisfied with the outcome 


As I overcame these challenges, I developed several new skills that have been beneficial to me in other areas of my life. Firstly, I developed my planning and organizational skills. Creating lesson plans that cater to different levels of experience and are engaging requires a lot of planning and organization. Secondly, I developed my communication skills. I had to communicate effectively with children and ensure that everyone is enjoying and felt comfortable asking for help when needed. Lastly, I developed my patience and adaptability. Teaching art and craft to children requires a lot of patience and adaptability, as each child has their unique learning style and pace.


LO4-Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience

Teaching art and craft to children can be challenging, and it requires a lot of patience and perseverance. There were times when some of the children struggled to understand, and it was my responsibility as a helper to keep encouraging them and finding new ways to help them I had to keep a positive attitude and not give up on them. Additionally, there were times when I felt overwhelmed with the workload and balancing it with my studies, but I reminded myself of the impact I was making on the children’s lives, and this helped me persevere through the challenging times


Teaching art and craft to children requires a high level of commitment. I had to show up consistently and ensure that I was fully prepared every time. I had to make sure that I had all the materials I needed and that I had carefully planned everything to cater to different levels of experience. Additionally, I had to communicate effectively with the children and show that I was committed to their growth and development. It was important for me to show up on time and be fully present during each drive, giving the children my full attention and providing them with feedback on their artwork.


LO5-Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively

Teaching art and craft to children in the local community has been a fulfilling experience, and it has allowed me to collaborate with volunteers who share a passion for creativity. As a team, we work together to design plans and share ideas on how to improve our skills. Our collaboration has helped us to identify the strengths and weaknesses of each volunteer , and we have been able to learn from one another to deliver better sessions. We have also been able to support one another in times of need, whether it is in preparing for a lesson or covering for each other when one of us is unavailable.


Teaching art and craft to children in the local community has also allowed me to collaborate with the children themselves. As a volunteer, it is important to create a safe and welcoming environment that encourages participation and creativity. By working collaboratively with the children, I have been able to create a space where they feel comfortable sharing their ideas and trying new things. Through this collaboration, I have been able to learn more about the children’s interests and backgrounds, which has helped me to tailor the lessons to their needs and preferences.


LO6-Engagement with issues of global significance

Art education is a transformative force that can empower and uplift individuals and communities. By teaching art and craft to underprivileged children, I have been able to witness firsthand the positive impact that art can have on their lives. Art education has provided them with a creative outlet to express themselves, and it has also allowed them to develop essential skills such as problem-solving, critical thinking, and communication. Seeing the joy and confidence that art has brought to these children has been a humbling and rewarding experience.


LO-7Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions

Teaching is not just about imparting knowledge and skills; it is also about modeling ethical behavior and values. I have a responsibility to ensure that my actions and choices align with ethical principles such as respect, honesty, and integrity. When teaching underprivileged children, it is especially important to consider the potential power dynamic and to ensure that I am not perpetuating any inequalities or injustices.

we had to be ethical and keep our choices of action in mind. This includes that we don’t shout or scolding kids while teaching them  and behaving well with them even if they tend to do any kind of mistake, and also we do not do discrimination amongst them and treat them with kindness

In order to create a safe and supportive learning environment, I must consider the diverse backgrounds and experiences of the children. This means being sensitive to their cultural norms and practices, and ensuring that I am not imposing my own biases or beliefs on them. It also means being mindful of any potential power dynamics and ensuring that the children feel respected and empowered.

Community service taught us that helping others is a very good way of giving back to society. In helping others, we help ourselves, as we realize our weaknesses. It also taught me to be more caring, to be a better communicator, and more open-minded.

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