Community Service

Community service is an opportunity to serve those who may not have the same resources and experiences as us. Our goal is to teach children various activities and skills that they may not have access to due to a lack of resources. I was responsible for organizing and teaching art and crafts, managing over 50 volunteers, and planning different activities for the children.
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Community service lasts for three weekends. By showing up every day and being consistent, I demonstrated my commitment to this cause. At times, we lacked the necessary resources, but by being resilient and adapting to the situation, we overcame these challenges. Communication was key in building connections with the children, and my commitment helped me build genuine relationships with all the students I taught. Through this experience, I learned to accept the learning process and observed how the children enthusiastically learned every activity with an open mind.
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Working in a team was an easy task for me , but I realized that I sometimes disregard others’ opinions and as a leading team member, I learned to collaborate and be assertive while respecting others’ opinions. Managing all the volunteers was challenging, and we faced some issues with resource management initially, but we learned from our mistakes and improved the system.
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Community service aims to address the global issue of education disparities. Not all students have equal access to resources and opportunities, and it is our responsibility as privileged citizens to give back to the community. Education should be a fundamental right, but many students do not receive adequate education due to various reasons. This experience has made me more grateful and motivated to help others.
In this CAS activity I feel like I genuinely contributed to society by helping those children grow and learn new skills. Teaching art skills that are often overlooked in government schools can have a lasting impact on their lives.


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