Creative mela

I have always been curious to investigate various types of art since I am an art fan and a passionate student. I have developed my talents and taught others how to paint on glass bottles as a result of my drive to understand and perfect this method. I have gained useful abilities like as efficient communication, patience, and the capacity to simplify complicated ideas via my experience instructing other pupils in this art form. Teaching others has also aided me in developing my grasp of this form of expression, and I have been very proud of the stunning painted glass bottles that my pupils have produced.


LO1 –

High levels of attention to detail are necessary to paint elaborate motifs and patterns on glass bottles. The ability to focus on even the smallest of details may come naturally when people start enjoying the art of glass bottle painting.

Painting on glass bottles is a medium that encourages exploration and creativity. Glass bottle painting is one of my strengths because I have a creative mind and love coming up with fresh patterns and concepts.

It can take a long time and a lot of patience to paint glass bottles. Glass bottle painting may come naturally to you if you appreciate taking your time to make something beautiful and have patience.

Even though I am pretty decent in this subject I still have a lot to develop. I still have a lot of different techniques to learn to become better. I need to expand my knowledge even further by learning about colour theory. Also, I need to be a better communicator meaning I need to communicate more fluently and confidently to be a good teacher.

LO2 –

Restricted resources: Glass bottles, paint, brushes, and other items are needed for glass bottle painting. It might be challenging to give every kid the resources they need to study and practise due to a lack of resources.

Diverse skill sets: While instructing a class of pupils, it is typical for people to have different skill and experience levels. This might make it difficult to deliver individualised training and meet the unique needs of each learner.

Time constraints: Glass bottle painting takes a lot of care and attention to detail, and it is a laborious process. It can be difficult to impart this art form to others in a constrained amount of time, particularly when attempting to cover all essential methods and ideas.

LO4 –

Consistency: A good teacher should show consistency and dedication by setting up a time to assist students to develop their abilities. For pupils, consistency fosters a sense of reliability and trust.

Patience is a skill that is necessary for the intricate craft of glass bottle painting, which may be challenging. It is possible to demonstrate persistence and a desire to see pupils succeed by being patient with them and giving them time to navigate the learning process.

Flexibility: Showing flexibility to each student’s demands might show a dedication to giving individualised training. It is possible to demonstrate persistence and commitment to teaching by adapting teaching strategies to accommodate pupils who may learn at a different speed or have different learning preferences.

LO5 –

Different perspectives: Working with other instructors or students can introduce fresh and interesting viewpoints to the classroom environment. Anyone participating in the learning process may have a different perspective, learning style, or thoughts that might enhance it.

A partnership may boost creativity by inspiring more ideas and generating more thoughts. Each individual may add their own distinctive ideas, which may result in a wider variety of patterns and methods for painting on glass bottles.

Shared Responsibility: Sharing workload and duties with other professors or students might assist. This can lessen everyone’s stress levels and make the teaching experience more tolerable.

LO7 –

Safety: It should be a major concern to ensure pupils’ safety. This entails offering the proper safety gear, such as gloves or masks, and making sure that all products are utilised appropriately and properly.

Respect: Creating a secure and inclusive learning environment requires respecting students’ various backgrounds, cultures, and beliefs. It is vital to refrain from using any rude or discriminating gestures or words.

Fairness: It’s crucial to treat all pupils equally and provide them with equal opportunities to study and flourish. This entails refraining from any special treatment or prejudice based on traits like gender, race, or financial position.

Sustainability: Making sure that pupils are aware of sustainable methods and taking into account the effects that glass bottle painting will have on the environment will assist to foster moral and upright behaviour.


In conclusion, this was a very fun experience where I explored a particular style of art. I learnt a lot of new things such as how to be a good communicator, and how to work collaboratively.

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