Bal mela (CAS project)

Every year, Fountainhead School organizes a Bal Mela, which aims to provide an enjoyable experience for underprivileged children. We extend an invitation to children from government schools, and we have various creative and lively activities planned for them, such as face painting, 3-legged races, dog and the bone, and many more. I was one of the event coordinators of the event and we had to make sure that the event went smoothly

The event coordinators had to gather volunteers and resources for more than 30 activities. We had to communicate our expectations from the volunteers and make sure all the resources were on ordered and packed properly before the day of the event

Learning outcomes

LO3: Initiate and plan a CAS experience.

Planning an event like bal mela from the ground definitely was a challenging task. I had already organized monsoon musing so coordinating was definitely easier than my first time but this event was on a much larger scale. The number of resources my team had to gather and the number of people we had to coordinate with were way more. I never knew I was good at writing formal emails or communicating with people until this event, I realised that giving instructions and writing them formally was one of my strength. Additionally, creating a seamless program flow for the event and effectively communicating expectations to the volunteers were crucial aspects that demanded my attention. Going through this experience, I gained a thorough understanding of the fundamentals of event management and coordination. This knowledge will undoubtedly help me better prepare for future events.

LO4: Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience.

Prior to the main event, there was an extensive amount of preparation to be carried out. We needed to effectively communicate with the volunteers and ensure that they comprehended our expectations. Communicating with volunteers was not always easy as they could be obstinate and occasionally unreachable. I had to exhibit perseverance while organizing resources and arranging meetings with volunteers. There were instances when I felt like abandoning the project or performing tasks with suboptimal effort, but I soon came to the realization that our efforts were directed towards underprivileged children who deserved our best contributions and utmost dedication.

LO5: Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively.

Realizing that I couldn’t handle all the responsibilities for the event on my own, I decided to create various teams to take care of the different tasks, such as decoration, resource procurement, and volunteer coordination. By delegating tasks to the teams, we were able to streamline the process and ensure that everything was being taken care of in a timely and efficient manner. Despite the teams working on separate tasks, they collaborated with each other to ensure that there was cohesion and synchronization between all aspects of the event. It was remarkable to see the level of cooperation and coordination displayed by the teams, as they worked tirelessly to make the event a resounding success. The decoration team was responsible for creating an ambiance that was both festive and welcoming, while the resource team ensured that we had all the necessary materials and equipment needed for the event. Finally, the volunteer team played a crucial role in managing the volunteers, ensuring that they were informed and motivated to execute their duties with diligence and enthusiasm.

LO 6: Engagement with issues of global significance.

The issue of inadequate facilities and underdevelopment among children from low-income families is a growing concern on a global scale. In an effort to address this issue, the Bal Mela event provides children from low-income families with opportunities to develop holistically, both mentally and physically, through engaging activities in arts, sports, and games. The volunteers from Fountainhead School play a pivotal role in facilitating this development, as they work tirelessly to create an environment that is welcoming, inclusive, and educational. By providing a space where children from low-income families can unwind and enjoy themselves, the Bal Mela event plays an important role in their overall well-being. Moreover, through these activities, children learn valuable life skills, such as teamwork, communication, and creativity, which can help them succeed in various aspects of their lives.

LO 7: Recognise and consider the ethics of choices and actions.

The core values of fairness, respect, honesty, and accountability must be considered in this situation, and reflected in our behavior towards the young individuals involved. It is important to exercise caution around them, as they may be more delicate due to their age. Furthermore, just because someone comes from a less fortunate background does not mean they deserve any less respect. We made sure to attend to their needs and were compassionate and empathetic towards them.


No poverty: The Bal Mela event helps to address the issue of poverty by providing underprivileged children with access to educational and recreational activities. Many of these children may not have had the chance to engage in such activities otherwise. By creating a safe and inclusive space for children to learn new skills and have fun, the event helps to break the cycle of poverty. It provides opportunities for children to develop their talents and abilities that may have otherwise gone unnoticed.

Quality education: The Bal Mela event aligns with this goal by providing educational opportunities to underprivileged children who may not have had access to quality education before. By engaging them in fun activities such as sports, arts, and games, the event creates a learning environment that is both interactive and enjoyable. It encourages children to explore their talents and abilities, promotes creativity, and improves cognitive abilities.


Learner profiles

Communicator: As the coordinator of the Bal Mela event, I displayed the learner profile of communicator in several ways. I effectively conveyed my ideas and expectations to the volunteers, ensuring that they understood their roles and responsibilities. I was able to adapt my communication style to suit different audiences. I was able to communicate effectively with volunteers who may have been stubborn or unapproachable, displaying perseverance in coordinating with them. I was also able to communicate with the children in a way that was both educational and fun, promoting learning while also making it enjoyable.

Reflective: I aimed to display the learner profile reflective in organizing an event for underprivileged children. I fostered self-awareness, critical thinking, creativity, effective communication, and risk-taking by setting up booths, puzzles, art stations, team-building exercises, group discussions, and adventure activities. My approach aimed to inspire positive change in the children and their communities.

I choose this as my CAS project because it caters to 2 of the CAS requirements. Service and Creativity. It caters to creativity as we spent a lot of time planning creative activities for children and brainstorming creative ideas for decorations. It catered to the service aspect because we engaged children who are not as privileged in activities of arts, sports, and crafts which was selfless of us to do.


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