Getting a black belt in Teakwondo

Achieving a black belt in Taekwondo was a significant achievement for me, representing the culmination of years of dedication and hard work. I’d been fascinated by the discipline and focus required to achieve this goal since I was a child. After years of preparation, I felt prepared to face the difficult black belt test, masters evaluating my performance over several hours. Nonetheless, I remained steadfast in my pursuit and gave it my all. When I found out I had earned my black belt, I felt immense joy and a profound sense of accomplishment that I will never forget. This achievement demonstrated the benefits of hard work, perseverance, and dedication.

LO2- I had to master more complex movements and techniques as I progressed through the belts. Each belt introduced new challenges that forced me to step outside of my comfort zone. To perfect my form and gain the necessary strength and agility, I had to practise for hours on end. Increasing endurance and stamina was another significant challenge. To perform at my best, I had to learn to push through fatigue and discomfort. Although I considered giving up at times, I reminded myself of my goal and persisted. During the exam, mental toughness and resilience were just as important as physical skills. I had to learn how to overcome fear and perform well under pressure.

LO4-My journey began as a child, when I was fascinated by the martial arts discipline. When I first started taking Taekwondo classes, I was immediately drawn to the discipline and focus required. However, it wasn’t long before I realised that obtaining the coveted black belt would be difficult. After years of preparation, I was finally ready to take the black belt test. The actual test was exhausting, lasting several hours and requiring me to demonstrate my abilities in front of a panel of judges. But I was determined to succeed, so I gave it everything I had.

LO5- My experience in Teakwondo taught me that the sport involves more than just individual performance and requires collaboration and teamwork. Initially, I was focused on improving my own skills and techniques, but as I progressed in rank, I realized the importance of working with others to achieve a shared objective. Throughout my training, collaboration was necessary as I worked with various partners, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. I had to learn how to complement their abilities, support their weaknesses, and communicate effectively to accomplish our goals. Group activities and the 8 Taegeuk of Teakwondo required us to synchronize our movements and execute techniques flawlessly, which demanded a lot of coordination and practice. During sparring sessions, I collaborated with my partners to practice different techniques and improve our skills. Their feedback and advice were crucial to our development. As I approached the black belt, collaboration with instructors and fellow students became even more crucial. I had to trust and follow their guidance.


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