Introduction to Mechanical engineering- Coursera

For my CAS Activity and creativity, I enrolled in Georgia Tech University’s “Introduction to Mechanical Engineering” course on Coursera. This course allowed me to delve into the fundamental principles of mechanical engineering and broaden my knowledge in this field. Throughout the course, I concentrated on achieving specific IB learning outcomes, particularly demonstrating that challenges were […]

volunteering in AACI NGO

he NGO is a distinctive organization where volunteers come together and arrange an event to spend time with and donate to those in old age homes, orphanages, and similar institutions. Learning is essential for everyone, whether through academics or athletics, and this organization recognizes that fundamental right. As part of my community service, I planned […]

Making an application for spreading awarness about stray dogs

As a conscientious member of society, I’ve observed that numerous stray dogs in the community are suffering and being overlooked. Witnessing their dire circumstances has prompted me to take action. To tackle this issue, I’ve chosen to employ my coding abilities to produce an application that offers fundamental knowledge on the predicament of stray dogs […]