Gym – Activity

Initially, I would work out at home occasionally for short periods of time and then stop due to a lack of motivation, resulting in no progress. However, after learning about the negative health effects of obesity, I became extremely motivated this year to make a positive change in my health and body. This experience changed my life because I now workout every day and intend to continue doing so even after I reach my initial goal.

LO1 - Prior to beginning my training, I prioritised identifying my weaknesses and areas for improvement. This was accomplished through an initial BMI scan and subsequent scans throughout my journey. This allowed me to tailor my workouts to my body type. For example, the test revealed a high body fat percentage, prompting me to increase my cardio training.

LO2- Although I am proud of my accomplishments and the visible results, I must admit that this was not an easy journey. The most difficult challenge I faced was not losing motivation to go to the gym every day, but rather sticking to a clean and healthy diet. I had to learn to resist temptations and stay focused on my main goal without becoming distracted. Many times when I went out with friends, everyone else would eat delicious food while I was left with only a glass of water. However, over time, I learned to control my temptations and even allowed myself a few cheat meals per month to maintain my sustainability.


Throughout this experience, I had to consistently demonstrate dedication and persistence in order to achieve my goal, because working out is a daily routine that requires unwavering commitment. To see results and progress, I needed to eat a healthy diet, get enough sleep, and exercise regularly. Despite the difficulties, I was able to maintain my commitment throughout this journey.

As a result of this experience, I am a stronger, healthier, and more mentally focused person. In addition, I noticed significant improvements in my mental health, which allowed me to focus more effectively than before.

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