FS got talent (Flea) – Creativity

I took part in FS got talent to get more creative, sell products with my friend, and work collaboratively in it. This was a great opportunity to make and sell the products collaboratively. The skill of creativity interested me in hand-made jewelry from beads and selling it to people who are interested in it.  


LO 2- Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process. 

The challenge over here was making the jewellery from beads as I had never tried it before. I had to learn it using YouTube tutorials and also gained some new skills from my friend who already knew how to do it. 


LO 4- Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences.

I had to show commitment to the experience as it needed a lot of patience while making the necklaces and bracelets. And had to dedicate a time towards making those pieces. Which was a big deal but at the end showing commitment and giving preference to the experience led us to earning profit. 


LO 5- Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively.

In this experience working collaboratively was a major advantage as we had to make 100 + pieces which needed teamwork in dedication towards it which benefited us at the end, As we separated duties which led us to making our work easier and most of the pieces being sold.

In conclusion this experience helps me to apply creative skills and do something new. The learner profile developed in this experience is communicator as we had to communicate with the customers a lot. Also helped me develop my social skills.


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