Introduction to Mechanical engineering- Coursera

For my CAS Activity and creativity, I enrolled in Georgia Tech University’s “Introduction to Mechanical Engineering” course on Coursera. This course allowed me to delve into the fundamental principles of mechanical engineering and broaden my knowledge in this field. Throughout the course, I concentrated on achieving specific IB learning outcomes, particularly demonstrating that challenges were taken on and new skills were developed, as well as demonstrating commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences.


The course covered a wide range of topics, including mechanics, thermodynamics, materials science, and fluid dynamics. Mastering complex engineering concepts and principles was one of the most difficult challenges I faced. To overcome this difficulty, I used active learning strategies such as participating in online forums, collaborating with peers, and seeking assistance from professors and experts. This experience provided me with the opportunity to hone my problem-solving abilities, critical thinking abilities, and a thorough understanding of mechanical engineering principles.


Completing the course demanded a great deal of dedication and perseverance. Balancing my regular academic responsibilities and coursework required effective time management and dedication. Despite the difficulties, I remained steadfast in my determination to succeed in the course. I actively participated in online discussions, completed assignments on time, and sought out additional resources to supplement my learning.

In addition, I persevered through difficult concepts and difficult assignments by seeking advice from my peers and instructors. This experience solidified my commitment to the CAS programme and taught me the importance of perseverance and resilience in the face of academic difficulties.

Participating in Georgia Tech University’s “Introduction to Mechanical Engineering” course on Coursera has been a transformative CAS experience for me. By tackling the course’s challenges and learning new skills, I not only expanded my knowledge of mechanical engineering but also demonstrated my dedication to and perseverance in CAS activity and creativity.  experience has not only expanded my knowledge of the subject, but it has also shaped my personal and academic development, preparing me for future challenges in mechanical engineering and beyond.

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