Cross Country Marathon

Participating in marathon races has been a transformative journey, one that has allowed me to assess and harness my physical and mental strengths, conquer new challenges, and embrace the values of planning, commitment, and collaboration. These experiences have not only shaped my personal growth but have also linked me to global concerns about promoting physical fitness and well-being. In this reflection, I will delve into the various aspects of my marathon journey, from discovering my strengths and overcoming challenges to the significance of planning and collaboration. Ultimately, it is through these races that I have not only pushed my own limits but have also become a part of a larger movement towards a healthier global community.

LO’s Met:-

LO1: Through these races, I had the chance to assess my strengths, both physically and mentally. I discovered my endurance and determination as strengths, while also realizing that I needed to work on building stamina and resilience.

LO2: Running longer distances in these races was a significant challenge for me, pushing me to develop new skills. I sharpened my pacing strategies, improved my running technique, and built both physical and mental endurance in the process.

LO3: Planning and preparing for these races requires careful coordination. I had to create a schedule, set achievable goals, and manage my participation in the various races. This experience showcased my ability to initiate and plan a CAS experience from my perspective.

LO4: Completing these marathon races, particularly the demanding 5-kilometre races, demanded fixed commitment and perseverance. Overcoming weakness and mental barriers demonstrated my dedication to the CAS experience. If I had not been fit mentally then I would not have completed the race as well as the commitment was very important. 

LO5: Despite the perception of running as an individual sport, I trained alongside a group of fellow runners. We shared valuable tips, motivated each other, and trained collaboratively. This collaborative approach helped me understand the benefits of working together toward a common goal.

LO6: While the marathon may seem local, it connects to global concerns about physical fitness and well-being. My participation in the marathon reflects my engagement with the global issue of promoting a healthy lifestyle and underscores the importance of individual well-being in contributing to a healthier global community.

In conclusion, my participation in marathon races has been a holistic experience that has touched upon various aspects of my personal and global growth. Through these races, I discovered my endurance and determination, improved my skills, honed my planning abilities, and demonstrated unwavering commitment. Moreover, the collaborative spirit of running with fellow athletes revealed the power of teamwork in achieving common goals. As I crossed the finish lines of these races, I realized that my journey was not just about individual achievement but also about contributing to the larger cause of promoting physical fitness and well-being on a global scale. It is through such experiences that we can all make strides towards creating a healthier and more connected global community.

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