HarvardX CS50xCS50’s Introduction to Computer Science

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pOQg5fFbFMw[/embedyt]


I have always wanted to further my interest and passion in computers for the sheer potential this technology has, be it in the military, banks, research, education, media and communication, entertainment and many more! Fortunately for me, I found an opportunity just for this goal. Harvard University, which is devoted to excellence in teaching, learning and research, and to developing leaders who make a difference globally, was providing a free online course for students just like me about Introduction to Computer Science. I enrolled in the course as soon as I was able to allot the time required to complete the course conscientiously. The course was taught by David J. Malan, He taught me how to think algorithmically and solve problems efficiently. The course included topics like abstraction, algorithms, data structures, encapsulation, resource management, security, software engineering and web development. The course also taught me to engage with a vibrant community of like-minded learners from all levels of experience.

Learning Outcomes:

1.LO1 Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth:

I identified that my brain was capable of thinking algorithmically  and grasping things relatively easy. I realized my weakness was the lack of technical knowledge(bugs and glitches) about the field. It was important for me to know my strengths and weaknesses to quickly focus on things which I was lacking. If I read textbooks about computer science, I would have overcome the weakness I faced during the course.

2.LO2 Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process:

The problem sets provided by the CS50 were profusely complex and even mind-boggling at times. Solving them was definitely a challenge for me. I faced the similar type of challenges while studying mathematics and the only way to overcome these types of challenges is practice.  Eventually I did just that. The challenges became easy for me over time, as due to my practice of fundamentals and logic.

3.LO4 Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences:

 Due to the substantial amount of knowledge needed to be learned in this course over a short duration of time, perseverance was essential. I had to give at least 1h a day to this course, it was easy for me to complete in such a short duration of time due to my interest in this field but at the same it hard for me to allot time for this extensive course from my busy daily schedule.

Final Take Away

I developed many attributes while pursuing this course such as being an INQUIRER:As I willingly found out about all terms I was not familiar with..THINKERS:As there were  multiple complex problem sets given by the course itself. The requirement of constantly developing thinking skills was necessary. , I was also  PRINCIPLED as I willingly adhered to the academic honesty of the course. I felt a sense of accomplishment while pursuing this course due to the amount of knowledge I was gaining and after knowing my capabilities. I wish to apply everything I learned in this course onto my career In future.

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