FSMUN 9.0 | Creativity

LO4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

we had to skip our usual classes in the two to three days prior to the event in order to finish up pressing work and avoid any delays. It was difficult to juggle academic work, assignments, and duties for the event. But with more perseverance and devotion, we were able to strike a balance between the two and finish our work on schedule. We had a limited amount of time, therefore devotion and perseverance were the most important qualities we had to uphold. I was able to see these qualities in myself during this event. 

LO 6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

Participating in Model United Nations (MUN) conferences is like stepping into the world of big global problems. I was part of a group called the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), and we spent a lot of time talking about terrorism in Africa. This experience taught me a lot about extremist groups in Africa and how different countries think about this problem. Being a part of these discussions about international issues has made me grow as a person. I now know more about the big challenges our world faces, and I see these problems from a wider perspective because I’ve learned how different countries approach them. It’s like I’ve become better at talking about these important topics, and I feel like I understand the world better now.

LO 7: Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions

In my role as a volunteer, it was important for me to treat everyone with respect. This included the chairs, co-chairs, delegates, committee members, and the support staff who were helping us. It didn’t matter who they were; I believed in treating everyone equally because they all played a crucial role in making the event successful. During the event, I had a specific place to be and a job to do. Even though I might have wanted to explore other parts of the event, I stayed committed to my duty and gave my best effort wherever I was assigned.

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