Farewell | Creativity 

In line with a long-standing tradition at our school, the juniors are tasked to give their seniors a fond farewell each year. I was a member of the dance team. It was a task that required a lot of commitment and a lot of ideas to make it fun and memorable for our seniors.  Throughout the process, there were a variety of challenges, but the entire team worked together to resolve them. Since there were numerous things to complete but little time available, we also developed our management skills. As it came time for the final performance, we gave all our energy to make it a huge success. 

LO 2 – Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

It took a lot of thinking, creative ideas, and practise to be able to choreograph numerous dances so that it would be a performance that would astound our seniors. Throughout the process, there were a number of difficulties, but we overcame them to give our seniors the best farewell we could. I’ve always been quite nervous about performing in front of a large crowd, but I overcame my fear and gave the dances my best. I improved my management, teamwork, and creative thinking abilities as a result of this experience.

LO 4 – Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

Many practice sessions were necessary to prepare the dances so that we could perform them flawlessly. It took a lot of discipline and hard work to get everyone’s steps to match up as we rehearsed the dances. We had to manage our time well and come up with novel ideas and solutions while also handling other tasks. This called for a lot of commitment because we never know when we’ll need to make adjustments to make this the ideal farewell.

LO 5 – Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

Without team cooperation, the farewell would not have been a success. Working together made the work much simpler because everyone was open to helping one another. We were able to finish everything on time in this manner. Everyone on the team provided their own ideas, and we took practically everyone into consideration in some form in order to make the farewell a success. I developed the learner profile communicator and open-minded during this process.

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