Bal Mela I Service

I coordinated this event along with two other coordinators. We organised an event where children from government schools get to do different activities and have fun. Where there were several workshops that taught them different sports, dances and art.

LO 2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process
There were several challenges in planning the event. Such as shortage in time, communication between the team and managing the budget. To overcome these challenges we organized our tasks for each day and distributed our tasks. This way we were able to complete most of them on time. This required a lot of time management skills. We also keep each other updated about our progress and had weekly meetings. Doing these things made it easier for us to organise and plan the event and as a result, we developed our communication skills as well.

LO 3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

Planning an event like Bal Mela from the ground up was undeniably a formidable undertaking. While I had prior experience organizing many events, coordinating Bal Mela presented significantly greater challenges due to its larger scale. We had to gather a substantial number of resources and coordinate with a much larger group of people. Surprisingly, I discovered skills I didn’t know I possessed, such as my ability to effectively communicate with others and organise myself. Moreover, crafting a seamless program flow for the event and clearly conveying expectations to our volunteers became critical aspects that required my attention. Through this experience, I acquired a deep understanding of the essential principles of event management and coordination. This newfound knowledge will undoubtedly better prepare me for future events.

LO 5: Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively

At first, I was finding it difficult to work with others and communicate with them but as time went by, I improved upon that. At the start, we had different opinions on most of the decisions which did lead to a lot of conflicts but we resolved them by communicating. This helped me understand the significance of working together as a team. Woking collaboratively is one of the reasons the event was a huge success.

LO 6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

The event we organized was specifically designed for underprivileged kids, aiming to create an opportunity for them to engage in various activities and gain valuable experiences. Our primary goal was to focus on their overall well-being and ensure that this day would be a memorable and joyous occasion for them. We wanted these children to have the chance to explore different activities and learn from them, all while experiencing a sense of contentment and happiness. It’s crucial to prioritize the well-being of everyone, and we believed that this event would contribute positively to that goal, even if it was just a small step towards making a difference in their lives.

To conclude, this experience was really great. We were able to organise an event where the kids had fun and we also developed several skills, identified our weaknesses and overcame challenges.

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