Volunterring in a Health Checkup camp

I volunteered at a health checkup camp arranged by SJ+, a business group committed to contributing to society. The camp was held in a commercial area with the purpose of providing free health checkups and medical guidance to the underprivileged people residing in the neighboring regions. Our team, comprising some other members of the group, had planned this event for over a month, and we arrived at the venue two weeks prior to the event to decorate and organize everything. On the day of the event, I was assigned to the registration desk, where my responsibility was to welcome the patients and help them complete the registration forms. As the day progressed, I saw numerous people arriving for their health checkups, many of whom had been waiting for this opportunity for a long time, and it was heartwarming to witness them receiving the medical attention they deserved.

After the registration process, the patients were directed to various medical stations for their checkups. I was then requested to assist at the blood pressure and blood sugar testing station. My role was to help the medical staff in taking the readings and recording them on the patient’s medical chart.

LO3- The first step in planning the health check-up camp was to find a suitable location. Next, we reached out to local healthcare providers to see if they would be willing to donate their time and expertise to the event. We also reached out to local community leaders and organizations to help promote the event. On the day of the health check camp, we arrived in time to set up the various examination points and make sure everything was in place.

LO5- As a volunteer at a health check camp, I learned that organizing such an event is a difficult task that requires cooperation and teamwork between multiple interest groups.Before the camp, I worked with other volunteers to plan various aspects of the event, such as decorating the venue, advertising and interacting with the medical staff.In addition, we had to talk to various doctors and medical personnel to ensure their availability during the camp. This involved constant communication between doctors, patients and volunteers to ensure that the camp ran smoothly and that all processes were understood.

LO6- Many people do not have regular health care or the financial means to obtain the medical care they require. We can help detect health problems early and guide people to the necessary treatment by providing free health checks. We can assist in detecting health problems early and directing people to the appropriate treatment. Health screening camps can assist in identifying risk factors for these conditions, such as high blood pressure or diabetes, as well as providing people with the education and resources they require to manage their health and prevent disease.


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