Volunteering at “Teacher’s Day event.”

Teachers are the only people who put in all the effort to make our future brighter while expecting nothing in return but respect. I remember, that will I was small, I sometimes used to call my teacher “mom” by mistake. And now I realized that doing that was not at all wrong, as teachers are said to be the second mother of students in Hindu culture, and school is signified as the second home of students.

I opted to undertake this task as I’ve observed countless teachers giving their all of it to help kids perform well and achieve better grades. Also, I’ve been attempting to communicate to them their worth. My urge to engage in creative pursuits, which include event preparation and execution, may have been what initially motivated me to do this. I attempted to prepare the event well, ensuring that everything proceeded without a problem, and ensuring that the educators had a fantastic time.

LO4: Show commitment to and perseverance in the CAS experience.

I hate waking up early in the morning, but for this event, we had to take time in the morning to complete the assigned task so that we do not miss our education. As for my teacher, I was willing to wake up early or miss my classes to complete the task. The event was scheduled for Saturday, due to which even the volunteers had to come to school on Saturday and had to stay till 2 at the school, and all of the volunteers were happily willing to do so. And this is how I showed commitment and perseverance in the CAS experience.

LO5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively.

Working with others depends on the personality of an individual, cause every person has a different style of working, and adapting to their style could be difficult or easy. But working with volunteers for teacher’s day was quite easy, as everyone was willing to work and show their love and respect for teachers. Even last-minute changes and requirements made us come a little closer, as we all work hard together, and made all the problems go away in no time. Therefore, I always prefer to work in groups, as it helps you get more opinions on problems, provided you motivation, and keeps you company while working.


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