Making an application for spreading awarness about stray dogs

As a conscientious member of society, I’ve observed that numerous stray dogs in the community are suffering and being overlooked. Witnessing their dire circumstances has prompted me to take action. To tackle this issue, I’ve chosen to employ my coding abilities to produce an application that offers fundamental knowledge on the predicament of stray dogs and suggests ways to assist them. This application will act as a platform to raise awareness and provide resources to those who wish to help. It may comprise details on the reasons for the presence of stray dogs, the challenges they confront, and their effect on the community. Furthermore, it can provide information on various ways that individuals can offer aid, such as volunteering at animal shelters, donating to animal rescue organizations, and advocating for animal welfare policies. By utilizing this application, I hope to heighten awareness of the issue and encourage others to take action. By creating a tool for positive change using my coding expertise, I am demonstrating the potential of technology to make a difference in the world.

LO2 - I took advantage of an opportunity that allowed me to learn new coding skills. The project exposed me to new technologies and platforms, which presented a number of challenges but also aided in the acquisition of new knowledge. Furthermore, this project  will be useful in my future career aswell.

LO3- Creating an application can be a time-consuming process that entails researching available solutions, creating new web designs, and effectively coding them. Prior to starting the project, a comprehensive plan was needed to ensure coherence throughout the development process. In addition, I met with my school teachers several times to gain a thorough understanding of the information that needed to be included in the application.

LO6- Raising awareness about stray dogs is essential for addressing the numerous issues that these animals face. Stray dogs are frequently found roaming the streets without proper care or medical attention, which can lead to illness or injury. Furthermore, these animals may transmit diseases such as rabies or bite people, endangering public health.Furthermore, people who are unfamiliar with how to interact with stray dogs or who have negative attitudes towards them frequently mistreat or abuse them. Individuals can be taught the value of treating these animals with compassion and respect, potentially reducing cases of neglect and cruelty.


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