Bal Mela

Bal Mela is the event where unprivileged students come from different schools and we as a volunteers would help them try and introduce new things and make them learn different things which they never experienced/saw in their life such as basketball shooting, nail paint, multiple games, etc. This event basically is a fair to the unprivileged school students where they have an opportunity to discover new games and some entertaining stalls like paint their face and hands at their choice, etc. For this event, I was given a role to make the students learn how to play basketball and how to shoot the basketball in the net. There were many different schools and different age groups which were to be taught to, so me and my partner were supposed to cheer them up and let them enjoy the activity. There are quite many things that i learned from this event.


LO2:- Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills.

There were some challenges which made the event not go so smoothly initially, challenges such as managing the children and not cheering them up which made the activity (basketball shooting) boring, so after I observed this struggle, I improved it and tried to cheer them up and made my activity interesting which made me more interactive with them and cheer them up every shot which resulted in more students in my activity.

LO3:- Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

Initiating this CAS experience was a little difficult for me as i am an introvert person, so it was struggling to be more social with the childrens present in the event, but eventually and gradually i tried to become a little social with all the childrens and this was the skill that i developed throughout the course of the event. And this is useful for future events and for the daily routine to be able to open up with each person.


LO5:- Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively.

There were benefits of working collaboratively as, if it were an individual work, the time could not be managed properly and there would be no one to distribute all the roles and have to do it all alone so it would be so struggling task, hence by working with team i developed my difference of opinion skills as in there were different opinions involved of different people in the whole process so it was hard to get on the common ground, so i developed that skills by working collaboratively. And, also i developed communication skills by communicating with different people for deciding upon something and deciding upon the whole process as to how to make them play basketball and what are some skills that we would make them learn.


LO6:- Engagements with issues of global significance.

This event has focused on global issue “No Poverty”, “Quality Education”, and “Partnerships to achieve a Goal”. The unprivileged children’s have never seen something like basketball or face painting, etc. because of lack of money, poverty in their family, hence they could not afford to do any kind of activities like this, so by this event they explored new things that they never experienced in their life and never even expected to. So, as a volunteers of our school to help them we divided our roles and made it possible for them and see their happy faces from each and every activities that they explored. And by this, they even got some quality education as to what are some physical activities that they never heard name of, and played them in real life with no money spent. As partners, we achieved a goal to make them learn new things.

LO7:- Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions

One of the key ethical considerations in organizing Bal Mela was ensuring inclusivity and accessibility. We took deliberate steps to make the event open and welcome to all children, regardless of their socio economic background. This involved thoughtful planning to accommodate diverse needs and create an environment where every child felt valued. And in this event, all the volunteers were encouraged to reflect on the potential impact of their actions, fostering a sense of responsibility and mindfulness as an individual.


Bal Mela

Bela Mela pt.2

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