Gym – Activity

Over the past few  months, I’ve seen an incredible body transformation thanks to my commitment to the gym. My journey began with the goal of improving my fitness and overall health by gaining some muscles, and I’m proud to say I’ve Accomplished that goal by gaining more than 8 kgs. 

At first, I was very nervous and felt lost in the gym but my gym trainer( Mitesh Jadav) gave me a specific diet and a workout plan to follow. As I continued to go regularly, I became more comfortable with my surroundings and my confidence increased. I also started noticing significant changes in my body. One of the biggest things I learned during this journey was the importance of consistency. I made it a habit to go to the gym at least five times a week, regardless of my schedule or how I felt. It was difficult at first, but as I made it a habit, it became easier and easier. 

Another important aspect was setting realistic goals. At the beginning of my journey, I set achievable goals, such as lifting a specific weight. As time went by, I started lifting more heavier weights. As I achieve these goals, I set new ones, which keep me motivated and focused.

Overall, this whole body transformation journey of mine taught me a lot about discipline and hard work. I also learned to appreciate my body and take care of it. I feel stronger and healthier than ever, both physically and mentally.

LO 7:-  Recognising and considering the ethics of choices and actions. By having  a healthier lifestyle and constantly working towards having a fit  body , I have made ethical choices that not only benefit myself but also have a positive impact on me and the people around me. I recognised what was important for my health and by going to the gym I was able to create a stronger physic which also helped me mentally and this action has helped me balance my life both physically and mentally. 

LO 4:-Show perseverance and commitment to CAS experience. By being consistent for months and trying to build muscle and also trying to gain weight. Not only that but gym also changes our lives and teaches us how to be discipline and by being disciplined enough I was able to be consistent and achieve my goal. I stuck to the diet that my trainer provided me and rarely had cheat meals. I showed commitment to what I was doing. This resulted in increase of weight ( muscle mass) after working hard for months and being consistent.

LO 2:- Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills.

For the first few months( 1-2 months) I was not able to lift heavy weights and had to train around the 5- 7.5 kgs mark but as time went past by I was able to do several exercises ranging for 10+ kgs.  Through consistency the weight that used to feel heavier now feels light and I’m able to lift more heavy weights and there has been a drastic change in my physic as well after I started lifting more heavier weights.

All in all, my six-month body transformation journey has been a great learning experience. It taught me the importance of consistency, goal setting and discipline, and emphasized the value of taking care of my body and making ethical choices. I hope my experience can inspire others to start their own journey to a healthier life.




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