Farewell Dance- Creativity

In keeping with our school’s tradition, juniors always have been responsible for giving a memorable farewell to their seniors. I was on the dance team. Preparing our seniors’ farewell dance was not an easy task and took days to complete with some songs. We had to brainstorm ideas countless times and rehearse each step and check if that fits with each song. Our team not only danced, but also helped the decor team because the workload was too much for the other team. At the time of our final performance, all the members of the dance did their best to give our seniors the best farewell they could imagine. Our teachers and seniors were amazed by our performance and each one of us were proud of each other for putting in the effort for over a month. This experience has taught us to work as a team, creating strong bonds that will stay with us forever. Dancing on grade 12 farewell is an unforgettable experience that we all will never forget.

LO 2 – Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process: 

Being a part of the dance team ,we had to brainstorm multiple ideas, multiple steps ,practice rigorously and show our passion to express gratitude to our seniors so that we give them a memorable farewell. Personally I’m really afraid of performing in front of large audiences but I overcame my fear because I knew what was ahead of us which was way better than the fear of regret of never being able to give my gratitude to my seniors. During our rehearsals there were many problems, fights and small conflicts but by cooperating with each other all of us were able to give a stunning show.

LO 4 – Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

Preparing for our seniors’ farewell dance required a high level of commitment and perseverance. We spent countless hours practicing the dances and after practising for over a month everyday and  finalising the decor, and planning the itinerary for the day. All of us knew that we can not mess up this opportunity because this is really special to our seniors and because of it we had to be consistent and try to perfect everything by practising regularly. This required a high level of commitment from every member of our dance crew.

LO 5 – Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

The following farewell dance was a team effort, and all of us had to work together, cooperate with each other so that we can give a great performance. By working together in a group I realised that everyone have different ideas, creativity, strengths and weaknesses and no one is perfect.  While we were discussing on how to plan the farewell, every member had different ideas and innovative ideas but logically not all of them could’ve been applied so all of us decided what’s the best for . All of us were open minded and tried to communicate with each other as much as possible so that less problems arise and are able to give a memorable farewell to our seniors.





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