Trekking Mt. Abu

Our school plans a trip yearly to some or the other location where this year we were taken to Mt. Abu located in Rajasthan, India. It’s an adventurous trip with my friends which I’ve been waiting for a long time. In the trip we had done a lot of challenging activities such as, rock climbing, caving, boating and mostly trekking. This was the perfect time to spend time with my friends and teachers to create loads of memories. We spent time together, talking and sharing our experiences. It was a great escape from the city’s atmosphere and to live simply under a roof with the nature’s music playing in background.

LO1 – Identify your own strengths and develop areas for growth: 

The rocky roads and and outdoor environment presented a unique set of challenges that helped us build survival skills and helped us to adapt to different environments and to get out of our comfort zone. By trekking for 17+ kms, boating, rock climbing and caving, it helped us deal with the mental and physical challenges under harsh conditions. because of such adventurous activities we were able to develop resilience and real life problem-solving skills by showcasing the learner profiles of communicators, thinkers, risk takers and balance.

LO2 – Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills: 

By exploring new outdoor activities like rock climbing, caving, boating, and trekking we showed a will to take on challenges and push our boundaries and to get out of comfort zones. We demonstrated initiative by exploring new environments and taking on new challenges, all while learning to manage risks and stay safe.  During this period, I explored the learner profile risk-taker by being courageous and getting out of my comfort zone.

LO4 – Show commitment to and perseverance in activities: 

We were committed to the trekking experience and also to other challenging activities for which we worked hard to complete the journey. It was a challenging experience that required us to be disciplined, organized, and focused. By pushing ourselves to the limits and staying committed to our goals, we developed a sense of personal achievement and self-confidence. This helped us cater to the learner profile balance by catering to our spiritual, mental and physical well-being.






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