Anand Utsav – Service

For the support staff of our school, Grade 12 and 11 students organised Anand Utsav in which it featured games and activities like miniature football, mini basketball, cup games, tug of war and arcade machines. The following occasion served as a show of appreciation for the staff’s assistance to all of the school’s kids.
As a day-of helper for the event, I volunteered. Throughout the event, we had games and duties assigned to us.

LO1 – Identify your strengths and develop areas for growth

Volunteering at this event was a lot of fun as I learned new skills such as managing duties andcommunicating with others. I was able to learn more and improve my skills as I did my part to guide staffthrough the event and meet their needs by explaining games and activities. It gave me a greatopportunity to improve my management skills.

LO5 – Demonstrate skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

I needed to interact with others to understand my role during the event. During my time volunteering, Iworked with many people to ensure staff involvement in planned games and activities. I was able to sharemy ideas and plans to solve emerging difficulties with my colleagues and learn new things from them.

LO7 – Recognise and consider the ethics of choices and actions

The event was held as a token of appreciation for the staff’s years of commitment to making life at the  school enjoyable and memorable. Event organisers and volunteers were even more grateful and satisfied to see staff taking time off from their hectic schedules to relax and enjoy the event. Both students made the day as enjoyable as possible.







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